The Code Of Professional Ethics For Rehabilitation - can suggest
For older versions of the Code, see the links below. Joseph Edmund Sterrett outlined the debate and issues in setting up a Code of Professional Conduct in his address to the annual meeting of the American Association of Public Accountants in [2] The earliest "official" version of the code of professional conduct among American accountants was issued by the American Institute of Accountants on April 9, The opening principle of the code is that membership, and therefore adherence, to the code is voluntary. This means that an accountant is never under a legal responsibility to adhere to the code, and can renounce the code and membership in the AICPA at any time. Section sets forth the various requirements to establish auditor independence and conditions that nullify it. The Code Of Professional Ethics For Rehabilitation.In your discussion post, talk about the code of ethics belonging to your profession or the profession you are preparing to enter. Bear in mind that a professional code of ethics is different from a company policy, since the former applies to everyone who is a member of the profession, regardless of the company or institution they work for.
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See the list of examples of professional code of ethics in the Week 5 What You Need to Know activity. What is the name of your professional code of ethics, and why is a code of ethics important for Rehaabilitation profession? Which are the two items from your code of ethics that you see as most fundamental? In your view, what makes them so important? Sample Solution.

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