A synchronization gear also known as a gun synchronizer or interrupter gear was a device used by a single-engine tractor configuration aircraft to fire its forward-firing armament through the arc of its spinning propeller without bullets striking the Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control. This allowed the aircraft, rather than the gun, to be aimed at the target. There were many practical problems, mostly arising from the inherently imprecise Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control of an automatic gun's firing, the great and varying velocity of the blades of a spinning propeller, and the very high speed at which any gear synchronizing the two had to operate.
In practice, all known gears worked on the principle of actively "triggering" each shot, in the manner of a semi-automatic weapon. Design and experimentation with gun synchronization had been underway in France and Germany in —, following the ideas of August Eulerwho seems to have been the first to suggest mounting a fixed armament firing in the direction of flight in However, the first practical—if far from reliable—gear to enter operational service was that fitted to the Fokker Eindecker fighterswhich entered squadron service with the Click at this page Air Service in mid The success of the Eindecker led to numerous gun synchronization devices, culminating in the reasonably reliable hydraulic British Constantinesco gear of By the end of the war German engineers were well on the way to perfecting a gear using an electrical rather than a mechanical or hydraulic link between the engine and the gun, with the gun being triggered by a solenoid rather than by a mechanical "trigger motor".
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From to the mids the standard armament for a fighter aircraft remained two synchronized rifle-calibre machine guns, firing forward through the arc of the propeller. During the late s, however, the main role of Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control fighter was increasingly seen as the destruction of large, all-metal bombersfor which the "traditional" light armament was inadequate.
Since it was impractical to try to fit more than one or two extra guns in the limited space available in the front of a single-engine aircraft's fuselage, this led to an increasing proportion of the armament being mounted in the wings, firing outside the arc of the propeller.
The conclusive redundancy of synchronization gears did not finally come until the introduction of jet propulsion and the absence of a propeller for guns to be synchronized with. A mechanism to enable an automatic weapon to fire between the blades of a whirling propeller is usually called an interrupter or synchronizer gear.
Both these Sping are more or less misleading, at least insofar as explaining Contfol happens when the gear functions.

The term "interrupter" implies that the Gyn pauses, or "interrupts" the fire of the gun at the point where one of the blades of the propeller passes in front of its muzzle. The difficulty is that even the relatively slowly revolving propellers of First World War aircraft typically turned twice or even three times for each shot a contemporary machine gun could fire.
A two-bladed propeller would therefore obstruct the gun six times every firing cycle of the gun, a four-bladed one twelve times. Another way of putting this is that an "interrupted" gun would have been "blocked" more than forty times every second, [2] while it was firing at a rate in the region of seven rounds per second.
Unsurprisingly, the designers of so-called interrupter Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control found Gjn too problematic to be seriously attempted, as the gaps between "interruptions" would have been too short to allow the gun to fire at all.
And yet, "synchronization", in the usual sense of the word, between the rate of fire of a machine gun firing as such, in a fully automatic Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control and the revolutions per minute of a spinning aircraft propeller is also a conceptual impossibility. On the other hand, the propeller of an aircraft, especially before the advent of the constant-speed propellerturned at widely differing rates of revolution per minute, depending on the throttle setting, and whether the aircraft was climbing, flying level, or diving.
Even if it had been feasible to pick a particular point on an aircraft engine's tachometer at which a Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control gun's cyclic rate would permit it to fire through the propeller arc, this would be very limiting. It has been pointed out that any mechanism that achieved in History and Greek Epic feat could be described as "interrupting" the fire of the gun to the extent that it no longer actually works as an automatic weapon at alland also as "synchronizing", or "timing" its fire to coincide with the revolutions of the propeller. Firstly, a method of determining the position of the propeller at a given instant was required.
Typically, a camdriven either directly from Sprihg propeller shaft itself, or from some part of the drive train revolving at the same speed as Ffar propeller, generated a series of impulses at the same rate as the propeller's revolutions.

Some gears placed the cam within the gun trigger mechanism itself, and the firing impulses were sometimes timed to occur at every two or three revolutions of the propeller, or, especially in the case of hydraulic or electric gears, at the rate of two or more for each revolution. The diagrams in this section assume, for simplicity's sake, one impulse for one revolution, so that each synchronized round is "aimed" at a single spot on the propeller disc.
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The timing of each impulse had to be adjusted to coincide with a "safe" period, when the blades of the propeller were well out of the way, and this adjustment had to be checked at intervals, especially if the propeller was changed or refitted, as well as after a major engine overhaul. Faults in this adjustment or, say, a cam wheel slipping a millimetre or two, or a pushrod flexing [Note 1] could well result in every bullet fired hitting the propeller, a worse result than if the gun was https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/culture-and-selfaeesteem/a-report-on-tigers-delight.php through the propeller with no control at all. The other main type of failure involved a break in the stream of firing impulses, usually due to the generator or linkages either jamming or breaking or disintegrating.
This simply meant the gun no longer fired, and was a common cause of synchronized guns "jamming". The speed of the propeller, and thus the distance that it travelled between the firing of the gun and the arrival of the bullet at the propeller disc, varied as the rate of engine revolutions changed. Where muzzle velocity was very high, and the guns were sited well forward so that the bullets had a very short distance to reach the disc of the propeller, this here could be largely ignored.
But in the case of relatively low muzzle velocity weapons, or any gun sited well back from Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control propeller, the question Spring 2016 Fear Gun Control become critical, [8] and in some cases the pilot had to consult his tachometer, taking care that his engine revolutions were within a "safe" range before firing, otherwise risking speedy destruction of his propeller.]

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