The Representative Free Decision Act
Along with Pittsburgh area and Erie and Centre counties. Not too Socialism Polarization And Obama Care of shift either way except in the Milwaukee Suburbs and Dane county. Also some larger Democratic gains up north. The increases in suburbs probably what won Biden the state. Biden flipped the state and that was probably due to three distinct areas: the Detroit to Grand Rapids area, the Marquette area and the Traverse City area.
Okay reposting without the mistake. And the reason the state flipped. Pretty much all of central Arizona shifted left as you would expect and counties on the outer edges shifted right… as you would also expect. David Shor is Socialiem data scientist who was run out of the Democratic Party earlier this year during the George Floyd protests for having the audacity to suggest that violent protests were hurting the Democrats.

NY Mag :. But I this web page that the county-level data we have tells a pretty clear big-picture story.
Which is that we won the presidency because, one, while we lost non-college-educated white voters, we kept those defections to a relatively low level, and two, a bunch of moderate Republicans who had voted for Trump in decided to vote for Biden this time. Relative to the electorate as a whole, nonwhite turnout fell. And then, among nonwhite voters who turned out, support for the Democratic nominee fell. The only reason we won is that there were these very large swings toward us among college-educated white people in the Atlanta suburbs. In Georgia, it was White college educated voters in the Atlanta suburbs.
The upper middle class flipped to Joe Biden. He also lost support with Independents and the White working class. But ultimately, if you look at what the biggest predictors of voter preferences were … there were just a lot Socialism Polarization And Obama Care voters who agreed with us about health care but not about immigration.

Obama got something like 60 percent of those voters; Clinton got roughly And I think the reason why that happened was that both parties talked about immigration. So I think it does actually matter.
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These are voters who agree with the Democrats on health care, but not necessarily Obamacare, but strongly disagree with them on immigration. In the election, the focus was taken off immigration and that worked in favor of the Democrats who won back more of them in the Center of the electorate. His approval rating rested in a very Socialism Polarization And Obama Care band, for basically this entire election, particularly among non-college-educated whites. There was only one time that shifted, in the course of his entire presidency, and that was when they tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act. His approval rating among non-college whites specifically plummeted. We were tracking Obama-Trump voters; this was the only time when they came home in large numbers.]
I am sorry, that I interrupt you.