Social Exchange Theory Video
Social Exchange TheorySocial Exchange Theory - apologise, can
Expectancy violations theory EVT is a theory of communication that analyzes how individuals respond to unanticipated violations of social norms and expectations. Burgoon in the late s and continued through the s and s as "nonverbal expectancy violations theory", based on Burgoon's research studying proxemics. This theory sees communication as an exchange of behaviors, where one individual's behavior can be used to violate the expectations of another. Participants in communication will perceive the exchange either positively or negatively, depending upon an existing personal relationship or how favorably the violation is perceived. Beyond proxemics and examining how people interpret violations in many given communicative contexts, EVT also makes specific predictions about individuals' reaction to given expectation violations: individuals reciprocate or match someone's unexpected behavior, and they also compensate or counteract by doing the opposite of the communicator's behavior. The EVT examines three main components in interpersonal communication situations: Expectancies, communicator reward valence, and violation valence. Expectancy refers to what an individual anticipates will happen in a given situation. Expectancies are primarily based upon social norms and specific characteristics and idiosyncrasies of the communicators. Social Exchange TheoryLifespan ; Relationship development ; Social network. Social exchange and aging is defined as the change and stability of exchanges among individuals across the lifespan. Social exchange theory proposes that social behavior and interactions among individuals are a result of an exchange process.
This perspective suggests that the relationship between individuals is generated by the pursuit of rewards and benefits and the avoidance of costs and punishment. In this entry, social exchange theory is defined and discussed as it applies to the aging process.
First, social exchange theory, which is rooted in economic, psychological, and sociological foundations, is introduced, followed by a description of how social exchanges change and develop as individuals age, why they are important, and innovative perspectives on social exchanges. Next, major psychosocial and sociodemographic factors that can influence the development of social exchanges over the life course Skip to main content Skip to Social Exchange Theory Exhange contents. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available.
Encyclopedia of Geropsychology Living Edition.
Theory of Small Group Communication
Editors: Nancy A. Contents Search.
Social Exchange Theory and Aging. Living reference work entry First Online: 25 April How to cite. Synonyms Lifespan ; Relationship development ; Social network.]
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