Should The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered -

Whom: Should The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered

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Should The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered.

Should The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered Video

Should The US Lower Its Drinking Age?

Drinking Age Drinking

Underage drinking has been a major questionable issue for years, yet why is Suould not under control? Teenagers are continuing to buy alcohol with fake identification cards, getting into bars and drinking illegally. As a recent teen, I have proof that these things are going on not only in college but in high school as well. There are a lot of factors that come together to why the drinking age should. Depending on the state, the minimum drinking age was between the range of 18 to year-olds.

Should The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered

However, Exhibit B illustrates Dfinking the debate was quieted in during the Regan Presidency with the passing of a law that required states to prohibit people under the age of 21 to consume alcohol as a condition of receiving a portion of federal state highway funding. The case to lower the minimum.

Young adults can not handle real life situations.

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New generations do not know how to use things in moderation. They are all things that need to be learned.

Should The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered

Most of the time, the young are looked down on for messing up in life, yet the reality is that anyone can screw up, it just is more likely to happen to someone who has less experience. Stoudt DeVry University The drinking age in the military is currently set at 21 years old as it is set for the rest of the country.

The Minimum Drinking Age

The debate is out there that the drinking age should be lowered for all young adults from 18 years old to 21 years old. The idea behind the fact. These massive numbers bring about an important realization: alcohol is a huge issue in America today.]

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