Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media -

Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media - useful topic

Facebook has been replacing traditional media channels since its founding in Many countries have banned or temporarily limited access to the social networking website [2] Facebook , including Mainland China , [2] Iran , [3] Syria , [4] and North Korea. As of May , the only countries to ban access around the clock to the social networking site are China, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. However, since most North Korean residents have no access to the Internet, [7] China and Iran are the only countries where access to Facebook is actively restricted in a wholesale manner. Online censorship by Facebook of algorithmic forms raises concerns including the surveillance of all instant communications and the use of machine learning systems with the potential for errors and biases. Who should decide these policies and make enforcement decisions? Like France and Germany, Austria has laws prohibiting Holocaust denial. This caused 78 Facebook posts to be banned from the country in Bangladesh like Iran, China and North Korea had banned Facebook before - the Bangladeshi ban operated for a short period of time. Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media

Should social media platforms' immunities under Section 230 be reformed or eliminated?

A very big problem. Censorship by the giants of media and social media has gotten out of control. Yet the answers given by Dorsey were chilling. And make no mistake about it. We have that power. We had been falsely accused of hate speech, as a result of which we could not post anything to the page or access our account. Thankfully, I was given Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media name of someone within Facebook who helped religious organizations, and after reviewing the complaints, Facebook apologized and reinstated our page. You work hard for years to cultivate an audience. You spend thousands of hours posting material and visit web page with your followers.

You build a constituency and they become your co-workers, sharing your material with others. And then, suddenly, based on false charges by people who themselves are bigoted, you are shut down. Cut off from your constituency. Unable to communicate or even explain what has happened.

Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media

And if you dare cross the line again — so say the ominous warnings you receive the social media gatekeepers — you will be banned for life. It really is frightening. A vote for Trump is a vote against the liberal media.

‘A real danger’

Here in America, we have an endless stream of news services from all perspectives, almost all of them available online in one form or another. But if the social media giants suppress the flow of that news according to their own biases, and if the media outlets we follow on the right or left are selective or even deceptive in what they report, then we will think we are getting the whole story when, in fact, we are not. As for Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of the website Intercept, he resigned because his co-editors, all of them fiercely loyal to Joe Biden, would not allow his latest article to run. They would not even allow him to publish it elsewhere, and they also declined his invitation to write a rebuttal to his article, challenging his points. And so, he resigned. What would be happening?

Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media

This, in turn ties in with the larger cancel culture, which is yet another, chilling aspect of censorship and silencing. Shout our messages from the rooftops. Speak out all the more loudly and clearly. Investigate and study and research.

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Should Censorship Be Banned From Social Media

Posted Oct 30, by Michael L.]

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