Shakespeares Othello Desdemona in Othello - really
William Shakespeare Other. Iago vows to stay loyal to Othello only as long as it works to his advantage. They then inform Barbantio that his daughter Desdemona is sleeping with Othello. Barbantio hesitates to believe them, since Roderigo has been an unwelcome suitor to his daughter, but he soon finds she is missing. At Othello's house, Cassio and other officers arrive summoning Othello to the Duke of Venice on urgent matters.Shakespeares Othello Desdemona in Othello - consider
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Words:Paragraphs: 20, Pages: 7. The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Othello Paper. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed.

In Othello, Shakespeare portrays the effect of power on many of the characters. In the play Iago is seen to be dominant character that uses his power to manipulate fellow characters by his effective use of language and actions.
In the play officially Othello has more power Shakespeares Othello Desdemona in Othello Iago due to the rankings of the army. Shakespeare also explores the different types of power in the play, such as sexual power, military rank and emotional manipulation. Shakespeare shows that although there is a high level of power within different characters there are many different ways in which this Desdemina is used and abused.

One of the main demonstrations of power is shown by the male dominance over women and the control men possess over women. A customer?
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Don't use plagiarized sources. Manipulation is one of the important themes of the play it is very common and is used in various ways. Iago uses his manipulative language and actions to find control over the fellow characters for different reasons in the play. What ho, Brabantio! Thieves, thieves! These are the reason that resulted his severe anger towards Othello and Desdemona eloping. The audience has in view to his sadistic ways of control over characters; also seen is his intelligence and psychological analysis allowing the manipulation of characters.

Iago uses his military status to his advantage, as he is in the army in which fellow characters in the play are intimidated by him this however is his key strategy to manipulate and deceive them, the reasons to why Iago is out to destroy Othello would be jealousy, jealousy because of Othello being higher ranked, being with Desdemona and jealous that fellow troops and people show him respect even though he is black. With Iagos jealousy it breaks down to power and how he uses that power to get what he wants, how he uses his power is shown through out the play through his spiteful language and deviant actions.
As Shakespeare presents power in the play largely from Iago other important themes are introduced such Shakespeares Othello Desdemona in Othello racism, racism is a very important element of the theme power.]
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