Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study -

Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study

Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study - will

Siemens Process Instrumentation offers you innovative, single-source measurement solutions to increase plant efficiency and enhance product quality. Our intelligent instruments are also designed for seamless interplay with the larger world of industrial automation and control systems — enabling greater process transparency and smarter decisions for your business. Benefit from the competence of Siemens: a full automation vendor operating around the globe, with service available 24 hours a day, days a year. Social distancing doesn't have to keep you from connecting with Siemens process automation, instrumentation and digitization experts! While our traveling events have been postponed, you can still earn professional development hours and stay up-to-date on today's most important process industry topics with our new on-demand webinar series. Control Engineering Engineers' choice nominees are selected based on technological advancement, service to the industry, and market impact. Siemens was recognized in Process Control Sensors:. Every data stream going into software tools or the cloud originates in the field. Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study.

Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study Video

Smart Cities Week ANZ 2020: City Encounters Case Study Series - 'Sensing'

The Client is a top global semiconductor equipment supplier that develops and manufactures machines for the production of integrated circuits. The Client came to PreScouter to produce a development roadmap of potential companies and suppliers of commercialized image sensing technologies that can be used for metrology applications.

About the Client:

These included:. The challenge of this engagement was to cover a research area while diving deep into specific technologies, which required the team to do in-depth primary research on several technology fronts. The Client was interested in finding ways to produce new technologies for metrology applications such as developing a calibration instrument of extremely high sensitivity beyond anything that currently existed.

Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study

PreScouter performed parallel research to study the commercial products and technologies under development. First, PreScouter identified potential products and companies of interest by looking into commercial products and major players Instrumentatuon startups in the industry. Simultaneously, the PreScouter team researched literature and patents to identify the technologies under development and map the trending of next-generation technologies.

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The PreScouter team identified a total of 13 companies and products, summarizing their findings in a table containing key parameters such as sensing wavelength, working temperature, applications, Stuxy limitations. In consultation with PreScouter, the Client selected 3 candidates, and the PreScouter team studied them in depth, including looking at their assigned patents and product lines.

Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study

In conducting the literature Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study, PreScouter Sfudy and thoroughly researched 2 technology categories and 4 material platforms from a broad list. For these selected technologies, the team summarized potential opportunities and limitations band gap, cutoff wavelength, quantum efficiency, etc. A downloadable version of this case study is available here. Search Toggle search field. Toggle search field Toggle search field Contact Us. Development roadmap of novel image sensing technologies for a major chip-making equipment supplier. Never miss an insight Get insights delivered right to your inbox. With a death For less than Most Popular.

Sensing And Instrumentation Case Study

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