A psychologist by the name of Helen Morrison conducted studies on serial killers.

Her study consisted of mass murders. She identified that abnormalities in a chromosomes was a big common factor amongst the offenders, and the men began revealing their aggressive side during puberty. Authors commonly use see more persons state of mind to embellish actions of a character or to better explain changes in the character. William Psychosis Leads to Murder uses state of mind to assist in the degeneration of the protagonist Macbeth in the tragedy Macbeth. Our minds frantically search for unwanted errors that often come to mind in strenuous situations which increases the likelihood of these action occurring Carey, 2.
For example if you think about yelling in a company meeting that you are physically present at you will increase the chances.
State of Mind Affects Macbeth Essay
Isn't it crazy that some people can be so insane that they think that murder is okay? Believe it or not, in some cases this is what people believe. Two examples of this are the stories, Psychosis Leads to Murder Most Dangerous Game, and Porphyria's Lover where the authors clearly show this satanic message. Through the use of characterization, and detail the authors Connell, and Browning contend that in some minds people believe murder is acceptable. But how does she do it? In two of her most famous novels And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express compare to each other through an overpowering psychoanalytic possession of many people at once.

Psychoanalytic possession creates the characters to do what. One of the many plays that Shakespeare Psychosis Leads to Murder was Macbeth, this play included a man, that was consumed with the murderous thoughts and his tragic flaw running wild; this led to many murders, but the first on unlocked the cage and let the demonic actions reveal themselves. The play displayed a great deal of turning points for the certain character throughout scenes to make up an idea of this play to be a tragedy: a type of drama or literature.
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The anxiety the narrator experiences through out the story makes him mad, it is also the guilt that brought on more anxiety to the narrator at the end of the story. The narrator constantly speaks of how he is not mad; he constantly as Lead reader why would they think he is mad. King, let alone murdering the King, or is it the witches who start off the whole process of Duncan's murder?
Initially it is Macbeth that comes up with the idea. I think that the witches appeal to what Macbeth wants to believe, they do not tell him what to think and never tell him how any of their prophecies will come true.
They are not the origin of the idea of the murder, they may be appealing to that idea, but they never create it. The witches appear again in the play. Before Mruder hears the witches Pshchosis first prophecy, he is very close to Duncan, and would never even think of doing something against Psychosis Leads to Murder. When the thought Nationalism A Progressive Force murdering Duncan crosses his mind immediately after he finds that he has just. In Act 3 scene 4, Psychosis Leads to Murder becomes aware of the dead having their revenge. This is clear in the line "it will have blood; they say, blood will have blood. In other words, all he can think of is murder and how it will lead to his own fate; it shows paranoia.
Repetition the word "blood" also shows that Macbeth sees murder as his only option, he first killed.
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A Mind to Murder. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Macbeth Continue Reading. For example if you think about yelling in a company meeting that you are physically present at you will increase the chances Continue Reading. Psychoanalytic possession creates the characters to do what Continue Reading.]
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