Pakist Why Pakistan Matters -

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Which Is The Strongest Country INDIA Or PAKISTAN ? - Pakistani Youth Opinion - Sana Amjad Pakist Why Pakistan Matters Pakist Why Pakistan Matters

Any form of progressive politics needs to engage with the emerging alliance of civilian political forces.

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We seek to present the case for why every citizen concerned with the promise of economic development — poverty-reduction, universal access to healthcare and education, well-paying jobs, infrastructural development, etc. We respond to the Pakist Why Pakistan Matters most frequently cited reasons brought forth by critics of the PDM and supporters of the status quo for rejecting this charter, as well as those presented by some well-meaning, but skeptical progressive and liberal voices. In other words, the state of human development is not just about the sum Pakist Why Pakistan Matters of wealth in a country which is of course, a necessary but insufficient condition but rather the composite of political and economic freedoms enjoyed by its citizenry.

By political freedoms, development economists understand things such as freedom of speech, the right to freely associate, and the right to play a role in determining the laws and policies that govern citizens. Economic freedoms, above all else, represent freedom from undesirable things such as hunger, deprivation, unemployment, and poverty.

Pakist Why Pakistan Matters

The two facets of development—political and economic—are not disconnected from one another. They depend on the political and economic institutions of a country. It is not too difficult to imagine Pakist Why Pakistan Matters those who have greater power in a society can ultimately create laws and policies that divert resources towards their private interests. A Matterw consists of disparate interests, and since different groups benefit from different kinds of political and economic distributions, there is a political conflict over the structure of these institutions. The ability Pakisgan different groups to enact their desired policies, in turn, depends on the continue reading of power in a society. To understand this, political economists differentiate between two competing forms of power: de jure versus de facto power.

De jure power stems from the law of the land, for example the Constitution of Pakistan; in contrast, de facto power stems from whoever has greater power in practice. While there is disagreement over the degree to which democracy itself leads to economic development one thing is certain: a discrepancy between Pakist Why Pakistan Matters jure and de facto power nearly always hampers it.

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The key point to understand is that economic outcomes depend on the extent to which the two forms of power coincide with one another. Wherever there is a mismatch between de jure power and de facto power, those with the latter kind of power will prevail and excessively-extract economic resources towards their private interests.

Pakist Why Pakistan Matters

Academic scholarship on Pakistan has been highlighting this inherent contradiction for many decades. Yet, the argument remained peripheral in the context of mainstream political discourse in the country. To see this, carefully consider the 26 points Pakist Why Pakistan Matters make up the charter of the PDM. As we can observe, the demands of the PDM can be divided into precisely the two kinds of freedoms political and economic we had discussed above.

For example, the PDM demands political freedoms, such as electoral transparency, a free judiciary, freedom of media; it condemns the gagging of free speech and the plight of missing persons in the country. It Pakis demands economic freedoms, such as making food and medicines affordable for every citizen, a reduction in the inflation-rate, the provision of decent Paoistan jobs and solving the energy crisis in the country.

Most crucially, the movement also read more a way out of the current political and economic mess: power must Pakist Why Pakistan Matters realigned with its legitimate centersthat is, the elected representatives of the people should be sovereign.

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Unsurprisingly, however, the PDM has received swathes of criticism from the usual suspects in the mainstream media and status quo political forces. What is more, is that these criticisms are also echoed by well-meaning liberal and left-leaning progressive circles. The first line of attack is that the PDM is an alliance of the old guard in Pakistani politics who want to save their skin from the accountability drive in Naya Pakistan. This line of criticism, a lazy Pakist Why Pakistan Matters device, gels nicely with the decades of anti-politics propaganda spewed by pro-establishment forces.]

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