Of Syria and Civil Wars - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Of Syria and Civil Wars

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The weapons are foreign, the fighters are foreign, the agenda is foreign. Undoubtedly there are Syrians who oppose the Syrian government and even Syrians who have taken up arms against the government and in turn, against the Syrian people, but from the beginning in fact before the beginning this war has been driven from abroad. It is a valid question to ask just when it all really started. But the Cold War itself was simply a continuation of geopolitical struggle that has carried on for centuries between various centers of power upon the planet. In this context, however, we can see that what may be portrayed as a local conflict, may fit into a much larger geopolitical struggle between these prominent centers of special interests. Syria had maintained close ties to the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War. That meant that even with the fall of the Soviet Union, Syria still had ties to Russia. It uses Russian weapons and tactics. It has economic, strategic and political ties to Russia and it shares mutual interests including the prevailing of a multipolar world order that emphasizes the primacy of national sovereignty. Because of this, Western centers of power have sought for decades to draw Syria out of this orbit along with many other nations. Of Syria and Civil Wars

Agence France-Presse via Google News.

Of Syria and Civil Wars

The Wall Street Journal. Al Jazeera English. BBC news. NOW Lebanon.

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Daily Star. The Seattle Times. The Atlantic. BBC News.

Of Syria and Civil Wars

The New York Times. Winter Middle East Quarterly. The Foreign Affairs.

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Syria: neither bread nor freedom. Europea World Year Book Europa Publications, Volume 2, p. Kurdish agony — the forgotten massacre of Qamishlo.

Of Syria and Civil Wars

March Volume 5, Issue 3. A wave of unrest has finally reached one of the region's most repressive regimes". The Economist.]

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