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Native American Conflicts

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Native American Conflicts

This belief of conquest was ingrained American culture, rearing its ugly head time and time again in American history. But Native American Conflicts Trail of Tears was one of the most jarring incidents of Native American genocide, and not only left thousands of Native Americans dead, but destroyed vibrant culture. The Trail of Tears began in the early s, where the sociopolitical climate of the United States fostered western expansion as a right of any white American citizen.

Native American Conflicts

There are multiple reasons for this expansion, but it was chiefly justified by the concept of Manifest Destiny. President Andrew Jackson was a large proponent of this notion. Jackson was viewed by many as a national hero because of his military feats, most notably against numerous Native American Native American Conflicts.

Elected president inhe declared to Congress his intention of removing Native Americans from their land, particularly in the American south. Jackson wanted to subdue Native Americans through his address in Congress, creating a false sense of security that he would only unravel a couple of months later.

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He always intended to remove Native Americans from their land, as he was a staunch believer in Manifest Destiny. Numerous tribes were removed forcibly the following year, and often violently, from their land. The US federal government directed intentional violence against Native Americans, forcing thousands Native American Conflicts relocate from their ancestral lands.

Removal from their land represented a sheer loss of Native American culture as well, with so much of their beliefs and their tradition tied to the land.

American Indian Protests of 1970s

The Trail of Tears was a genocide for these very reasons, as it was a systematic removal of Native Americans and destruction of their culture. Federal troops were deployed to enforce the removal, and the President threatened to use force against those Native American Conflicts would not willingly leave. The Cherokee nation originated in the southeastern part of what is now the United States, on land which has been very valuable and highly contested since European colonization.

Native American Conflicts

This land was so valuable because it was fertile and made excellent farmland, as well as being rich with minerals. In Georgia specifically, it was said that there was gold on Cherokee land, making it highly valued by white settlers. But white Georgians could not legally extract this gold, as the land was clearly agreed upon, under the Treaty of Hopewell, to be Cherokee land. However, the political climate changed with the election of Jackson, thereby causing conflict in the area under the Indian Removal Act. As a result, white Georgians began to illegally settle in Cherokee territory, spurring on the Cherokees to legally challenge the Indian Removal Act. Jackson completely ignored this, abused his Native American Conflicts, and ordered the removal of Native American Conflicts Americans anyway, with the Cherokee nation bearing the brunt of it.

This was targeted genocide, motivated by the fact that the land the Cherokee occupied was so valuable, and that the Cherokee actively resisted the Removal Act. The systematic removal was also delayed because of the amount of disease that Cherokees, as well as other Native American tribes, faced, as a result of germ warfare.

Native American Conflicts

Germ warfare was a common tactic used against Native American by white settlers in the United States, and contributed to heavy Native American losses. The exposure to disease during this time is in no doubt contributed to the harsh link that Nagive Americans were subjected to by settler governments. After being rounded up, Native Americans did not receive adequate provisions, Native American Conflicts were placed in poorly kept stockades. The journey itself left thousands exposed to the Nativr conditions, and no doubt many died because of the exposure and lack of provisions. The journey took months, and Native Americans were left without food Native American Conflicts transportation. Many died on the journey because they lacked these basic items, further highlighting the brutality of the American government.

Once Native Americans reached their destination, they had to quickly provide and shelter themselves for the upcoming winter, but since the land allocated to them lacked rich natural resources, starvation and death common.]

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