Nat Turner s A Slave - opinion
I was thirty-one years of age the 2d of October last, and born the property of Benjamin. Oates, Stephen B. Being a specialist in the nineteenth-century United States history, Oates, was a reputable history professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Oates has composed. The Fires of Jubilee, by Stephen B. Oates is known as a reputable historian through his other works, and has strong credentials however, in the case of The Fires of Jubilee there are some. A Struggle For Freedom In in Southampton county, a slave named Nat Turner did something so revolutionary that to this day it is still an uncomfortable subject for a small town in Virginia. With very little documented history, Stephen B. Oates tells how one slave turned the entire south upside down on one hot August Sunday. Nat Turner s A Slave.Nat Turner's Rebellion also known as the Southampton Insurrection was a rebellion of black slaves that took place in Southampton County, Virginiain August[3] led by Nat Turner. The rebels killed between 55 and 65 people, at least 51 of whom were white.
The Fires Of Jubilee : Nat Turner 's Fierce Rebellion
The rebellion was effectively suppressed at Belmont Plantation on the morning of August 23, There was widespread fear in the aftermath, and militias organized in retaliation to the rebels. The state executed 56 slaves accused of being part of the rebellion, and many non-participant slaves were punished in the frenzy. Approximately slaves and free blacks were killed by militias and mobs in the area.
Turner learned how to read and write at a young age. He was identified as having "natural intelligence and quickness of apprehension, surpassed by few.
The Demise Of Nat Turner 's Rebellion
He ran away at age 21 from Samuel Turner, his owner. He returned a month later after becoming delirious from hunger and receiving a vision which told him to "return to the service of my earthly master". In it, "the Saviour was about to lay down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and the great day of judgment was at hand". Turner Turnsr conducted services, preaching the Bible to his fellow enslaved people, who dubbed him "The Prophet ".
Turner garnered white followers such as Nat Turner s A Slave T. Brantley, whom Turner was credited with convinced to "cease from his wickedness".
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By the spring ofTurner was convinced that he "was ordained for some great purpose in the hands of the Almighty". Joseph Dreis wrote: "In connecting this vision to the motivation for his rebellion, Turner makes it clear that he sees himself as participating in the confrontation between God's Kingdom and the anti-Kingdom that characterized his social-historical context.
InJoseph Travis purchased Turner, and Turner later recalled that he was "a kind master" who had "placed the greatest confidence in" him.]
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