Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization -

Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization

This looks at the history of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, and the civilizations that arose in the region over 5, years ago. From the beginning: "IN looking back to the beginning of civilization in any country, we have to deal with the physical changes which Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization land has undergone, and to consider the conditions which promoted or hindered the advance of its inhabitants. The nature of a country largely rules the nature of its people, both bodily and mentally; and it may even be true that, if sufficient time be given, the same character and structure will always be produced by equal conditions.

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From historical records, and the cemeteries that have been examined, it appears that the beginning of a continuous civilization in Egypt must be set as far back as about 10, years ago, or 8ooo B C. The question then is, how far the Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization of the country at that age was similar to that now seen? The present state is quite new, geographically speaking, as the deposit of mud by the Nile, providing a suitable soil, is only a matter of a few thousand years. The accumulation of deposit is about 5 in. The lower depths are, however, often mixed with sand beds, and do not show the continuous mud deposit; hence the average depth of 39 ft.

Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization

At the average rate of deposit, this would be formed in 1, years. But, on the other hand, the deposit may have been slower at the beginning, and hence the age would be earlier. Also, the lull depth may be greater, owing to some borings hitting on ground which was originally above the river. Hence it is clear that the Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization of the civilization was about contemporary with the first cultivable ground. Earlier than the Nile deposits there must have been Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization rainfall, enough to keep up the volume of the river, and to prevent its slackening, so as to deposit its burden. We must picture, then, the country as having enough rainfall for a scanty vegetation in the valleys, while continue reading Nile flowed down a mighty stream, filling the whole bed as it now does in flood, and bearing its mud out to the sea, except in some backwaters which were shoaling up.

Such a land would support a small population of hunters, who followed the desert game and snared hippopotami in the marshes.


The Nile had been in course of recession Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization a long period before it began to rise again by filling its bed. The gravels high above the present Nile contain flints flaked by human work 5 much as in Sinai such flakes are found, deep in the tilling of the valleys Civilizatiin belong to a pluvial period.

Yet after the Nile had retreated down to the present level, man appears to have been still in the Paleolithic stage, as freshly flaked, unrolled flints have been found at the lowest surface level of the desert.]

Mesopotamian Literature The Civilization

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