Necessary words: Mesopotamia Egypt And The Indus River Valley
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Compare the rise of civilizations in Mesoamerica and Andean South America. Why do you think civilizations which developed halfway across the world exhibit similarities? How are they different? Are there specific reasons why differences exist? When responding to your classmates, include new, additional research to support or disprove their position.Another river called the Ganges River was east of the Indus River.
Geography Of The Indus River
The climate was tropical and contained seasonal winds called monsoons. Monsoons during the winter were dry and went from land to the sea, letting little rain fall on the land.

During summer monsoons wet winds go from ocean to land bringing rain with it. The mountain. This was the beginning of the long reign of Hinduism over the Indian peninsula. They were an advanced civilization having many artifacts architecturally especially bathhouses but the biggest thing they left behind was religious symbols and religious figures; They also set a precedent by having a mother goddess. The combination of floods in some areas, drought, anarchy and supposedly natural disasters brought the Civilisation that was once flourishing between BC and BC to the ground.
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Some historians speculate the Indus Valley Civilisation was devastated by a great war. But, despite the physical. The Indus River Valley civilization was an ancient civilization located on a subcontinent called India. The Rlver River Valley civilization was naturally isolated by the Himalayas and the east and west Ghat mountains. The ancient civilization was located near a river, like most of the ancient civilizations of their time.
The Indus River Civilization
Because India was surrounded by mountains on all sides, the subcontinent was very prone to attacks. A major problem for the Indus River Valley civilization was the constant monsoons. The Indian society adopted a class or caste system from the Indus Valley people.

Just like the Indus society had priest rulers, the Indian society has the high class Indian Brahmins, which are seen as the priestly class. Trade was a very big part of the Indus Valley society, everything that they did, everything that they made was to ensure that they were able to create and trade more effectively. The class system during the Indus Valley civilization is extremely similar to the class system seen in.
Indus Valley Civilization: In the region of South Asia, Indus Valley civilization is acknowledged as the oldest civilization which is situated in the region of India's western click and Indus River Hirst, ]
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