Medical Marijuana State Legalization And New Challenges -

Medical Marijuana State Legalization And New Challenges Medical Marijuana State Legalization And New Challenges Medical Marijuana State Legalization And New Challenges

Dan Kingston 4 days ago Arizona Cannabis News. The counted ballots must be certified by the Secretary of State, which will take about a month, and then Governor Doug Ducey will issue a proclamation that officially makes the voter-approved ballot measure into a new law. Marijuana possession and consumption will be legal for adults 21 and older in Arizona once the ballots are certified, which will likely be by December 3, However, dispensaries will not be able to legally sell recreational marijuana until they get licensed, which should be sometime in March but could be early.

Medical Marijuana State Legalization And New Challenges

Home cultivation will also become legal once the initiative is certified. Many medical marijuana dispensaries will get a recreational license which will allow them to sell medical and recreational marijuana from their current medical marijuana dispensary location s.

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The tax revenue will fund various state agencies and community programs. The new industry should generate thousands of new jobs and millions of dollars in annual revenue that will improve the state.

Medical Marijuana State Legalization And New Challenges

Arizona was one of four states that voted on legalizing recreational marijuana this November. Sign up for our emails Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Monthly Newsletter Free Giveaways.]

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