It turns out that we like working from home. Knox has found that emotion plays a surprisingly important role in employee productivity when people are not meeting face-to-face.
Bill Gates: This Is What Separates Successful Leaders From Average Managers
Indeed, research shows that emotional connection matters even in normal time. Instead, even when you are all working online, there are ways to create team spirit. She prepares treasure hunts, pop quizzes with fun prizes, lunch vouchers so people can eat together albeit onlineand even monthly goals, Succesful as organizing employees to cheer on the men in the team who are growing mustaches for November. Help Employees Build Social Capital. Additionally, moving up requires making connections with management and leaders.
1. Put your employees first
In the pre-Covid days, this means physically travelling to headquarters for meetings a few times per year. Lavish Praise.
Offer Public Acknowledgement. Let everyone in the company know, too, particularly their higher-ups. At team meetings, there can be shout-outs and gold stars for particularly strong efforts.
Leaders can recognize all kinds of efforts. For Knox, working in Asia has always meant that meetings with headquarters get scheduled long after the traditional work day ends. When she knows she has a midnight meeting, she takes time between 9 and 5 to do personal stuff.
She emphasizes the need to be flexible, but also make sure to set boundaries that accommodate the reality of life. To lead remotely, you need to build on your existing management skills — and develop new ones. I am the Justice Anthony M.]
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