Killer Captivity -

Killer Captivity Video

Anti whale and dolphin captivity documentary, (better audio quality version) Killer Captivity Killer Captivity

Captive Asina elephant. Recent research work finds that large mammals suffer brain damage due to the ill-effects of captivity. This negative impact is particularly applicable to cetaceans and elephants.

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Read the original story here. Many literally go crazy. It was a sunny day more than 20 years ago at the Guwahati Zoo. On a day trip there, I was roaming the zoo more info, documenting new species of animals observed, as was my wont during every visit. Roaming around, I came across a field with a low-lying barrier and, on close examination, Killer Captivity a remarkable creature grazing inside. The animal was a full-grown white rhino, a creature I had never seen in any zoo before in my systematic zoo Kille. There was one white rhino in that zoo in and even all those years ago, Killer Captivity imagined that was not the ideal state for the animal to be in, because white rhinos in the wild are gregarious creatures.

Year 9 Higher Project

As time progressed and Killer Captivity zoo studies expanded in India and abroad, with multiple visits to zoos, including the Guwahati Zoo, I learned more about the plight of the white rhino at the zoo, named Mohan. Brought from the United States inMohan suffered Killer Captivity loss of his mate and remained in solitary confinement against his natural instincts until his death in He inflicted bodily harm on himself by battering his horns on the sides of his enclosure, wearing them down to pathetic stumps and virtually non-existent eventually.

Killer Captivity

His mood swings became vicious and frequent and his interactions with his keepers reportedly became lethal on occasions. Mohan became a shadow of what a wild white rhino was meant to be and a caricature of what white rhinos are in the Captjvity in Southern Africa. Watching a film on Killer Captivity South African conservationist Ian Player recently, I could appreciate the beauty and grandeur of these animals living freely in the wild and how much effort has been undertaken to save them from extinction. As Ian Player stated, the plight of the white rhino is in many ways the plight of wild animals across the world and, in microcosm, the plight of the environment in general, suffering at the hands of humanity. Compared to Killer Captivity sublime beauty of wild white rhinos, I am always reminded of the lonesome Mohan, grazing without a companion at Guwahati Zoo.]

Killer Captivity

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