Importance of Documents in Exports -

Importance of Documents in Exports Video

Documents used in Export Trade [part 1]

Topic: Importance of Documents in Exports

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Importance of Documents in Exports.

Exporting a document allows you view and interact with the Expkrts results outside of MicroStrategy Web. For example, you can view results in a PDF file within Adobe Reader, manipulate exported data in an Excel spreadsheet, or create an interactive dashboard-style document for off-line use. You can export a document from within the document or directly from a folder. You can also export a Importance of Documents in Exports grid or graph report to a PDF file or an Excel spreadsheet. You are prompted for the following when you export a document, unless the document designer has specified the default exporting options for the document:. All Content.

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All Files. Excel spreadsheet. See the Document Creation Guide for tips to create a document that will display correctly when it is exported to Excel.

Importance of Documents in Exports

HTML file : Export the document to an html file in a separate window. If your document is grouped, you can choose to export the entire document or only the selected group element. Page-by allows you to view the document by a selected group element.

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For information on grouping and page-by, including examples, see the Document Creation Guide. If your document contains multiple layouts, you can choose to export the entire document or only the layout currently being viewed Importance of Documents in Exports the user. For specific information on EExports multi-layout documents are exported to Excel and PDF, see Exporting a document with multiple layouts. Click the name of the document to execute it. Click the menu icon on the right, point to Exportthen select the file format in which to export the document. The options see more. If an export format is not available on the toolbar, that export format has not been made available for this document.

For instructions, see the Document Creation Guide. If the Export dialog box opens, perform the following steps:.

Importance of Documents in Exports

If the document contains multiple layouts, you can determine which layouts to export.]

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