Graduation Speech College Schedule -

Graduation Speech College Schedule - pity

Ramapo College will host Class of graduates and their guests for the time-honored tradition of Arching on Wednesday, May 12, The Arching Ceremony will begin at p. Doors will open at a. The ceremony will begin with the academic processional at a. Doors will open at p. The ceremony will begin with the academic processional at p. Please note: Ceremony dates and venues are subject to change as circumstances in our region change due to the pandemic. Graduation Speech College Schedule. Graduation Speech College Schedule

As a result, each graduate can have four tickets for their guests small children will require a ticket.

HWS: Calendars

This will be an outdoor event because of changes to the capacity limit for indoor events due to COVID Because this is an outdoor event, we have to plan for inclimate weather. Please keep Thursday, December 10 and Friday, December 11 schedules open. Our plan is to make sure you have your graduation that week, so you will be notified in advance if we have to move the ceremonies to Schedkle dates. College of Liberal Arts.

Office of the Provost

College of Education. College of the Arts. University College.

Graduation Speech College Schedule

Ray P. Authement College of Sciences College of Engineering. Graduate School.

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We will follow all current state mandates, Graduation Speech College Schedule as such, will require face coverings for all participants and guests attending commencement. Guests will be required to wear a face covering at entry and while moving about the venue. All participants and guests are reminded to observe social distancing guidelines of 6 feet when entering the venue, moving about the venue, or waiting to use restroom or concession facilities. In addition, participants Gaduation guests should follow instructions from event staff and sit in marked or designated seating areas to maintain social distancing from other groups in attendance.

Graduation Speech College Schedule

Skip to content Accessibility Buy Tickets Search. Inclement weather plan This will be an outdoor event because of changes to the capacity limit for indoor events due to COVID For those guests in attendance, a strict clear bag policy will be in effect.]

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