God s Love And Desire For His - amazonia.fiocruz.br

God s Love And Desire For His - sorry

To Sardis. If you are not watchful, I will come like a thief, and you will never know at what hour I will come upon you. To Philadelphia. You have limited strength, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Hold fast to what you have, so that no one may take your crown. On him I will inscribe the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, as well as my new name. To Laodicea. God s Love And Desire For His

God s Love And Desire For His - are mistaken

By Contributed Content. Email the author. According to the Bible dictionary, jealousy is defined as the passion of peculiar uneasiness which arises from the fear that a rival may rob us of the affection of one whom we love, or the suspicion that he has already done it. The God of Heaven loves us so much that he gave his Son to die, and he desires our undivided attention, and will not share us with the things of this world. He must have all of our love and affection!

A couple of years ago I was talking to a priest who, as a deacon, had been instrumental in my decision to become a Roman Catholic. It is a generally accepted truism that our experiences with our earthly parents can affect the way we relate to God. The best possible outcome of a troubled earthly relationship is healing from the Father and Our Lady.

God s Love And Desire For His

More troublesome is a difficulty in getting past parental wounds to intimacy with God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. In my case, my father-wounds included a violent birth father and a morally compromised stepfather. This left me with a deep commitment to non-violence and a rigid behavioral morality.

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I managed to avoid scrupulosity by a safe margin only through Grace and because of some very good teachers, mentors, exemplars, and eventually a therapist. My progress leading from fear of an angry or unreasonable Heavenly Father to the beginnings of a desire for a healing intimacy was slow at best. After my reception into the Roman Catholic Church, I found the Sacrament of Reconciliation to be especially fruitful in this respect. In Reconciliation I now had a Priest responding to my confessions of sin and shortcomings with the voice of a compassionate, loving, and forgiving Father.

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He did not want me to cringe and become more subservient. He wished only for me to grow and become closer to God. In time the healing of this relationship flowed outward into my every day relationships. It was noticed by my wife and daughter first, and eventually by others as well. My daughter in particular, while not interested in the church, became the greatest advocate for my conversion to Catholicism.

God s Love And Desire For His

My daughter characterizes my conversion as an incredible transformation, wiping away tension and stress and uncertainty. In short, through the sacraments the Church helped me unpack my baggage and stow it neatly away where it belonged.

God is a jealous God…He desires our love

Having — mostly — left fear of God and impossible standards behind, I found myself beginning more info run up against the problem of intimacy with God. The rest of the eighth chapter of Romans has a lot of encouragement for us concerning this promise. But the promise can sometimes seem a little shy of practical details. I found my answer in immersing myself in the Eucharist and the life of the Church. Participation in the Eucharist leads to many graces, and regular Reconciliation is a key to more holy living and more intimate participation Desife all worship, especially the blessed Eucharist.

Notice that I did not include saying the Rosary. In part, this is because I came from a Protestant background with little or no tradition of Marian devotion.]

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