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Health practitioners find it difficult to strike a balance between not causing severe side effects during cancer treatment while simultaneously trying to eliminate as many tumor cells as possible. Tumor cells are known to grow in an uncontrolled and rapid manner. For this reason, chemotherapy treatments that are used to manage cancer have been developed to eliminate rapidly growing cells. They also kill normal cells that grow quickly. These treatments are known to be extremely strong, with cancer patients developing severe side effects, which can result in discontinuation of treatment. The bone marrow is a sensitive tissue where different blood cell types are created at a rapid rate. Because it has been determined that genetic factors may have a hand in how an individual responds to these treatments, the researchers of the study looked into genetic signatures and whether they could be used to determine patients who are at a high risk of experiencing serious side effects from treatment. This would allow scientists to adjust treatment to an individual from the beginning of the treatment. That way, those who are a high risk may have another treatment administered while those at a low risk of experiencing these life-threatening side effects can have higher doses administered, which has the potential to have a major impact on the cancer. The study is a collaboration between researchers in bioinformatics and pharmacogenetics. Genetic Treatment An Expensive Technique That Can Genetic Treatment An Expensive Technique That Can

Globally, both public and private regulatory testing labs are shifting towards genome sequencing for food pathogen testing. This increasing use can be attributed to the advantages offered by genetic testing such as the fast, sensitive, and reliable detection of pathogens in any food sample.

Also, genetic testing techniques identify pathogens even in low concentrations and in dormant states, as viable but non-culturable VBNC form. This has resulted in increasing investment by the food pathogen detection technology companies in the development of genetic technology-based products to enable fast and efficient detection of pathogens.

Genetic Treatment An Expensive Technique That Can

For instance, inLexaGene Holdings Inc. The LX6 is an automated pathogen detection platform go here on genetic testing technology that is used to detect pathogens in food TThat water in less turnaround time and at a low cost. LX6 has the capability to test 22 different contaminants in water and food including two species of Vibriothree species of Salmonellafour species of Shigellaand two species of E. Therefore, increasing focus on listeria testing in food samples drive for continuous improvement in environmental monitoring and other aspects of microbiological testing.

The report also covers the global food pathogen detection technology market and its segments.

This growth is partly because food safety regulatory authorities of various countries are focusing on framing and implementing strict safety and quality regulations for food products in order to limit an increase in the instances of food safety standards not being met, product recalls and health hazards. Food processing companies and food safety testing laboratories have also begun to increasingly adopt advanced rapid testing technologies to handle the growing workload of Tat volumes, and testing requirements. These rapid testing methods such as PCR and immunoassay-based techniques are used to ensure timely analysis of a larger sample size, thereby reducing the turnaround time for food safety testing. For instance, the adoption of whole genome sequencing WGS for food pathogen detection by the food processors and food testing laboratories is expected to increase with WGS being recommended by the World Health Organization WHO.

Therefore, the higher price of these new rapid test methods and their ease-of-use is Genetic Treatment An Expensive Technique That Can to Tecchnique the food pathogen detection methods market in the forecast period.

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The reports draw ondatasets, extensive secondary research, and exclusive insights from interviews with industry leaders. A highly experienced and expert team of analysts and modelers provides market analysis and forecasts.

Genetic Treatment An Expensive Technique That Can

The Business Expensivw Company is a market intelligence firm that excels in company, market, and consumer research. Located globally it has specialist consultants in wide range of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, chemicals, and technology. The Global Market Model covers multi-layered datasets which help its users assess supply-demand gaps.

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