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Essay On Obesity In America - Same urbanization
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Essay On Obesity In America Video
Obesity in Children Essay On Obesity In AmericaThe regular consumption of fast foods is one of the leading factors of obesity, and thus suggesting the removal of processed foods and sugars from the diet will help to achieve a healthy weight. Obesity is a lifestyle illness that has eaten into every kind of population in the country. One of the devastating realizations is its ability to increase the risk of contracting other lifestyle illnesses such as cardiovascular infections and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Rather than blaming highly processed foods alone, researchers have suggested click the following article holistic assessment of the lifestyle trends in the Essay On Obesity In America. S in a bid to determine possible solutions to the epidemic.
The food consumption trends currently indicate that food is overly cheap, readily available and served in large portions. The physical activity environment, on the other hand, has been compounded in such a manner that there is no need for energy expenditure Mitchell et al. For instance, some people prefer driving to walking regardless of the short distance involved. All these factors combined, it is evident Essay On Obesity In America isolating highly processed foods from the normal regimen will only reduce obesity cases by a small margin unless exercise and stress management strategies are incorporated as well.
Too much consumption of highly processed foods contributes to a greater percentage of the dietary obesity affecting Americans today. Therefore, it is important to explore the consumption statistics to determine the appropriate strategies that will aid in reversing this trend. For the average Americans, more than half of their foods comprise of high-processed foods that have an abundance of sugar and bad cholesterol.
Processed foods in this regard can be grouped into three whereby an identification of each determines the worst obesity factor. These categories include:.
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The minimally processed foods include pasta, milk, vegetables, and beans, which are normally taken in their natural state or prepared slightly through cooking. Whereas these do not contribute to a majority of the obesity cases in the country, it is apparent that overconsumption could cause the epidemic because they are Americs with fats and calories as well Fardet, Ultra-processed foods are identified as the enemy because of the large number of calories and trans-fats that they contain. Examples of these foods include Obexity, soft drinks, French fries and salty snacks. More than half of the Essay On Obesity In America in the body accrue from ultra-processed foods and trends indicate that as Americans consume more of these, they reduce their consumption of proteins, fiber and essential vitamins, which infers that the entire meal structure is unbalanced Fardet, One of the factors that have been fronted to explain the upsurge of highly processed foods is deregulation and globalization.
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Foreign and multinational food processing corporations are Essay On Obesity In America into the American national markets as a result of globalization. Specifically, Latin America has turned out to be a lucrative market for these foreign corporations because a majority of the high-income markets are Onn saturated.
Latin America has been a major target because it is experiencing rapid population growth, a rise in income levels and urbanization, which means that people are bound to consume more processed foods as a result of availability. Highly processed foods are associated with unhealthy sugar levels and this is one feature that contributes towards increased cases of weight gain. The human body is adequately prepared to handle sugars but too much of mAerica can cause chronic illnesses and weight gain.
Unfortunately, one ounce can of Coca-Cola contains 39 grams, which implies that its consumption loads the body with more than the required amount of sugars continue reading day. Refined foods are also defined by minimal fiber content because of the processing techniques. Lack of fiber derails the functioning of the digestive system, implying that fats will not be converted Essay On Obesity In America the right storage formats.
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The major reasons why processed foods have been linked to obesity perhaps results from the presence of trans-fats. The U. These foods are sometimes Americs hydrogenated and they are found in a majority of the snacks consumed by Americans including chips, pastries, and fries. Another link between processed foods and obesity is overconsumption, which is informed by the addictive nature of these meals.
Processed foods are not always apt to trigger weight gain and lifestyle illnesses. Most of the foods the U. S are either processed, transformed or packaged in some way before they are consumed.

Frozen vegetables and fruits, roasted nuts, bagged beans and salad mixes are all transformed in some way, which implies that people are bound to enjoy processed foods but they should do it sparingly in order to reverse the trend and therefore control the obesity epidemic in the country. Given the depth of information available regarding the risks associated with obesity, it is tempting to shove all processed foods under the rag.
However, in reality, this is not possible and thus making Essay On Obesity In America food choices will gradually reverse the trend thereby keeping obesity in check. One way through which people can know the difference between healthy and harmful click here is through an inspection of the labels. It is important to select food categories that are devoid of sodium, unhealthy fats, and added sugars Firestone, ]
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