Environmental Racism In America - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Environmental Racism In America

Environmental Racism In America Video

WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM? Environmental Racism In America.

The field Environmenntal environmental justice is well established as a scholarly inquiry and few other areas so starkly demonstrate the horrors of American and global capitalism. These scholars delineate how corporations quite intentionally seek out poor communities of color to dump the worst pollution upon, utterly indifferent to the cancers Environmental Racism In America other diseases that will result and happily accepting the paychecks that follow. I was glad to see the Post run a story on toxic roofing shingles being dumped in a poor largely Black neighborhood in south Dallas.

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And now, even as Dallas is currently more than 60 percent Latino and African American, with a Black city manager and https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purpose-of-case-study-in-psychology/golden-age-go.php and a diverse city council, redlining and other historic land-use decisions by White leaders and planners who are long gone continue to have a lasting negative impact. When two White business partners looked Environmental Racism In America the area inthey figured it was an ideal place to start a dump.

Environmental Racism In America

They redirected truckers hauling shingles to the landfill and charged them a fee to unload their cargo on their vacant land instead. One of the partners set up an illegal recycling Environmenatl that ground black shingles into dust, a process that spewed toxins and fine particulate matter into the air around Jackson and about of her neighbors.

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Over the course of seven months starting in JanuaryJackson complained to the city, and no one Akerica. Jackson, 62, is certain that particulate matter from the shingles is in the air she and her year-old granddaughter have been breathing for two years. That finding fits with a reality nationwide reflected in other studies.

Environmental Racism In America

Black and Latino residents in here United States are far more likely than White people to live near landfills, power plants, concrete mixing facilities and other sources of emissions that foul the air. And they are far more likely than White people to die from exposure to pollution. There has to be real equity in the disposal of toxicity.

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Environmental injustice is a huge piece of the racist puzzle in the world and it is unacceptable. Post navigation Prev Post. Next Post. It is main inner container footer text.]

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