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Discipline as a Soldier

Discipline as a Soldier - useful piece

Discipline is all about self-control. And in the military, frustrating recruits and cadets is the way to teach discipline. Unless there is an emergency, drill instructors force cadets to be uncomfortable be it on the quarterdeck, snapping in at the rifle range, during drills or any place else they can think of. In many ways, military discipline is all about character building and self-control in the face of a challenging or frustrating situation. So, here you go:. Your email address will not be published. Discipline as a Soldier

Discipline as a Soldier Video

Jocko Willink ~ Discipline ~ US Military Motivation 2018ᴴᴰ

H istory: The Overlooked Military Discipline. Soldiers want to learn.

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As a case in point, during a break in a mission when I was a platoon leader, I made a casual reference to the fight on Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg. Several of my Soldiers asked why it was important, which led to me drawing out a map of the Discipline as a Soldier on an MRE box and talking through the various maneuvers. At one point I looked up, and was surprised to see the majority of the platoon crowding around to see the map. Being engineers, they quickly grasped how important terrain was in the battle and how the human terrain can be manipulated by good leaders.

Discipline as a Soldier

This was a learning point for me, that history is useful at all levels. Teaching Army history does not have to be for staff officers at War College only; it can, and should, exist throughout all formations, at every rank.

Discipline as a Soldier

Soldiers want to learn and want to be trained; it is up to the leaders to bring them the training that they deserve. If a private in the Marine Corps can talk knowledgeably about Belleau Wood and they can, ask onethere is no reason a private in the Army cannot talk about Bastogne. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Discipline as a Soldier

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