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Erwachsenenbildung in internationaler Perspektive.

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Comparative Education Project Fragestellungen sind leitend: 1 Welchen Einfluss hat Comparative Education auf eine komparative Erwachsenenbildungsforschung? Stichworte: international education, comparative research, comparative analysis, transnational education, comparative studies. Comparative education offers a wide range of opportunities for culturally contextualized analyses of country-specific characteristics of education systems and adult education. The aim of this article to present comparative approaches and to identify and analyse their effects.

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Two questions are leading: 1 What Comparative Education Project does Comparative Education have on comparative adult education research? As a result, selected key factors and principles will become visible that may contribute to a potentially greater appreciation of Pdoject research in adult education in the future can. Keywords: international education, comparative research, comparative analysis, transnational education, comparative studies.

Comparative Education Project

The meaning, perception, and significance of adult education vary between and within certain countries Comparative Education Project the world. In some corners of the globe, adult education is perceived as the provision of basic literacy Pdoject. In some other corners, adult education is perceived as popular education offered by community-based or civic organizations.

Comparative Education Project

On the other hand, adult education is also seen as formal and non-formal education programs for adult students in contrast to youth and non-traditional adult students. Consequently, adult education scholars have used research Educstion, approaches, and strategies offered by comparative education to explore and analyze similarities and differences in philosophies, policies, and practices of adult learning policies and practices between countries or societies. The purpose of this article is to analyze the implications of comparative education for comparative studies in adult education and learning. The following research questions guided the inquiry for this paper: 1 What is the influence of comparative Erucation on comparative adult education research? The methodology that guided this article is based on reviews of exiting literature encompassing selected journal articles, books, and research reports related to Comparative Education Project and international education, comparative research, comparative education research, adult education, comparative adult education, and comparative adult learning.

Keywords such as adult education, comparative education, comparative adult education, and adult learning were used to search for peer-reviewed articles in scholarly databases e. Information from articles and books were used based on the credibility of the sources, the credentials of the authors, see more their adequacy to help address the research questions. Comparative education has influenced comparative adult education research and practice.

The following sections will identify and Comparative Education Project ways comparative education influence comparative adult education research and practice, as well as comparative studies in adult education.

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Comparative adult Eductaion research is the investigation of adult Comparative Education Project and learning policies, systems, structures, stakeholders, and practices through comparative research methods and analyses. Comparative adult education research is a twined specialized area of knowledge or line of scholarship that is positioned at the juncture of comparative education and adult education. According to Charters and Hilton. At the next stage one attempts to identify the similarities and differences between the aspects under study Adult education is specific to each country, and tends to be a reflection of the culture, policies, and priorities of a society.

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Nuissl and Pielorz argued that comparative adult education serves four purposes:. Tilly advised Comparative Education Project types of comparative analysis, which can also inform research in comparative adult education: individualizing, universalizing, variation-finding and encompassing p. Individualizing comparison: This type of analysis is performed to fully describe the characteristics or features for each of the cases being studied in order to grasp the peculiarities of each case Tilly,p. Such analysis enables to see cases in-depth, although Frederickson argued that this is not a true comparison. In the context of comparative adult education research, Roland published a comparative adult education study on Asia and the Pacific, which individualized the cases of Cambodia, India, Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam, with respect to policies, issues, and trends in Comparative Education Project education.

Comparative Education Project

Universalizing comparison : According to Tillyp. This involves the use of comparison to develop conceptual or theoretical framework. This enables to compare numerous facets of a single phenomenon to discover logical differences among instances and establish a standard of variation in the character or intensity Comparative Education Project that phenomenon. Encompassing comparison: Tillyp. Encompassing comparison is a subset of variation-finding comparison, Projwct focuses on explaining a variation through an underlying general causal mechanism.]

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