Communism Essay -

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Karl Marx's Communism

Communism Essay - you are

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The shocking fall of communism in Eastern and Central Europe in the late eighties was remarkable for both its rapidity and its scope. As well, all of the nations involved shared Communism Essay common goals of implementing democratic systems of government and moving to market economies.

Communism Essay

In each of these nations, the communist regimes in power were forced to transfer that power to radically different institutions than they were accustomed to. Democracy had been spreading throughout he world for the Communism Essay two decades, but Communism Essay a very important difference. While previous political transitions had seen similar circumstances, the actual events in question had generally occurred individually.

In Europe, on the other hand, the shift from communism was taking place in a different context altogether. The peoples involved were not looking to affect a narrow set of policy reforms; indeed, what was at stake was a hyper-radical shift from the long-held communist ideology to a western blueprint for governmental and economic policy development. The problem inherent in this type of monumental change is that, ccording to Ulrich K.

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Generally Essaay has been theorized that the most successful manner of addressing these many difficulties is the Communism Essay of a constitution. But what is clear is the unsatisfactory ability of a constitution to remedy the roblems of nationalism and ethnic differences. Preuss notes that when the constitutional state gained favor in North America, it was founded on the principle of the unitary state; it was not designed to address the lack of national identity which is found Communism Essay Europe — and which counter to the concept of the constitutional state It seemed that the sole reason the downfall of communism, as it were, took so ong was the veto power of the Soviet Union.

According to theories of modernization, the higher the levels of socioeconomic achievement, the greater the pressure for open competition and, ultimately, democracy.

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Due to their longtime adherence to communist policies, these nations faced great difficulty in making the transition to a pluralist system as well as a market economy. According to Preuss, these problems were hreefold: The genuine economic devastations wrought by the communist regimes, the transformation of the social and economic classes of the command economy into the social and economic classes of a capitalist economy and, finally, the creation of a constitutional structure for political entities that lack the undisputed integrity of a nation state With such problems as these to contend with in re-engineering their entire economic and political systems, the people of East Germany Communism Essay to be in a Communism Essay enviable position.

Economically, they were poised to unite with one of he richest countries, having one of the strongest economies, in the entire world. In the competition for foreign investment, such an alliance gave the late German Democratic Republic a seemingly insurmountable Communism Essay over other nations.

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In regards to the political aspects of unification, it effectively left a Germany with no national or ethnic minorities, as well as having undisputed boundaries. As well, there was no need to create a constitution although many of the pitfalls of constitution-building would have been easily-avoided due to the advantages Germany hadbecause the leaders of the GDR had joined the Federal Republic by accession and, accordingly, allowed its Basic Law to be extended over their territory. For all the good that seemed to be imminent as a result of unification, many Communism Essay also arose regarding the political transformation that Communism Essay was undergoing. Intended to be a short-lived, temporary document, Communism Essay Basic Law gained legitimacy as West Germany continued to march towards becoming a major economic power and effective democratic society.

Put simply, the net effect of the extension of the Basic Law to all of Germany did not guarantee the mplementation of a new joint governing policy or a new constitution for the country.

Communism Essay

It was impossible to draw Communism Essay conclusion that both would die out and be replaced by Communism Essay new political identity. Article of the Basic Law, put simply, allowed for the annulment of the Basic Law, to be replaced with another governing system, without previously binding the people to any specific rules. Some suggest that, by unifying through accession, Germany has made problems which could end up overshadowing the benefits of unification. The suggestion is that the implementation of a constitution by a society without experience in utilizing it, without the necessary institutions and without the corresponding value system will bring about more harm than good politically. The imposition of the Basic Law was the root for much of the mistrust between East and West Germans following unification. In regards to the economic aspects of unification, some major problems exist in the transition to democracy and market economics.]

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