Cold War Influence in Latin America -

Cold War Influence in Latin America

Cold War Influence in Latin America Video

US Strategy in Latin America, 1939 - 1949 Cold War Influence in Latin America

The Last Colonial Massacre: Latin America in the Cold War by Greg Grandin is based on the belief that the Cold War was more than just a battle of ideologies, nations Cold War Influence in Latin America political leaders, but a dramatic struggle waged by everyday people whose illuminating stories were buried. Source: Toward Freedom. George W. Bush, according to polls, the most unpopular US president ever among Latin Americans, made alternatives to business as usual more popular than ever. Among other significant moves, the Obama administration supported the June 28, coup against democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, Wxr a deal to establish seven new military bases in Colombia, and pushed for free trade deals across the region.

In spite of these hopeful advances for the Latin American left, the shadow of the Warr War still hangs over the region. A lot of ink has been spilled on histories of Latin America in the Cold War, much of it focusing on the relationships between governments, politicians and militaries.


The book is based on the belief that the Cold War was more than just a battle of ideologies, nations and political leaders, but a dramatic struggle waged by everyday people whose illuminating stories were buried. Before he came to power, 2. The psychological warfare was effective: the CIA frightened the population into submission and Cold War Influence in Latin America military was Amerrica frightened to defend the president. This coup model was later applied in other Latin American countries. Che Guevara—who, alongside Fidel Ltin, led the Cuban Revolution—was in Guatemala at the time as part of his tour of South America, and witnessed covert US tactics firsthand from the refuge of the Argentine embassy.

The Last Colonial Massacre focuses largely on this period, drawing from oral histories obtained by Grandin himself. Its narrative is driven by the words and actions of these figures, and therefore contributes to an understanding of how the Cold War impacted personal and social lives on the ground in the country.

Cold War Influence in Latin America

So we turned to historical analysis to make sense of the war and to understand the social origins of the racism that fueled the genocide. The outrage following the massacre pushed more rural indigenous people to join the communist Guerrilla Army of the Poor EGP.

Cold War Influence in Latin America

Aside from providing a broader understanding of the root causes of the human rights violations of this period, the book also tells an often-disregarded social history of the development of democracy in the Influrnce. Grandin establishes in the preface to this book why it is important to focus on the histories of the working and peasant class:. In Latin America, in country after country, the mass peasant and working class movements that gained ground in the middle of the twentieth century were absolutely indispensable to the advancement of democracy.

Cold War Influence in Latin America

To the degree that Latin America today may be considered democratic, it was the left, including he Marxist left, that made it so. Empire, rather than fortifying democracy, weakened it. He was exiled to Mexico following the overthrow Wxr Arbenz, but developed a vast understanding of Marxism thanks to his Cuban comrades.

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His political analysis aided his organizing upon returning to Guatemala, when he worked with indigenous campesinosfighting for access to land and better rights. Grandin also tells the story of Adelina Caal Mama Maquina Mayan women murdered for her organizing work. This history is presented alongside the parallel narrative of other women who were empowered in the s by communist parties and movements in the region that preached gender equality. In many cases, women also filled the void of husbands and men in the community that were murdered for their political work.]

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