Climate Change and the Contribution of Agribusiness - very
Though much of the world is focused on transitioning away from fossil fuels as a way to fight climate change, there is another, often-overlooked climate change culprit: animal agriculture and its environmental impact. Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas GHG emissions after fossil fuels and is a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution and biodiversity loss. Furthermore, a third of worldwide grain production is used to feed livestock. By , consumption of meat and dairy products is expected to rise 76 and 64 percent respectively , which will increase the resource burden from the industry. Cattle are by far the biggest source of emissions from animal agriculture, with one recent study showing that in an average American diet, beef consumption creates 1, pounds of CO2e annually. Replacing beef with plants would reduce that figure 96 percent, bringing it down to just 73 pounds of CO2e. Furthermore, air and water pollution can be directly attributed to the livestock sector, which is the largest contributor to global water pollution.Can recommend: Climate Change and the Contribution of Agribusiness
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SUSTAINABILITY ON BREVARD COLLEGE CAMPUS | Sep 08, · Extreme weather could cause swings in agricultural commodity prices, the report warns, and climate-spurred market volatility could afflict pension and . 5 days ago · That biofuels can contribute to a cleaner global energy mix is widely accepted, but the net benefits of bioenergy in terms of mitigating greenhouse gases (GHG) are . Agriculture is a major source of Greenhouse Gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change. Read more in this article. |
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Those observations are not entirely new, but they carry new weight coming with the imprimatur of the regulator of complex financial instruments like futures, swaps and other derivatives that help fix the price of commodities like corn, oil and wheat. It is the first wide-ranging federal government study focused on the specific impacts of climate change on Wall Street.
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Perhaps most notable is that it is being published at all. The Trump administration has suppressed, altered or watered down government science around climate change as it pushes an aggressive agenda of environmental deregulation that it hopes will spur economic growth. The new report asserts that doing nothing to avert climate change will do the opposite. The commodities regulator, which is made up of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by President Trump, voted unanimously last summer to create an advisory panel drawn from the world of finance and charged with producing a report on the effects of the warming world on financial markets. It includes recommendations for new corporate regulations and the reversal of at least one Trump administration policy. Litterman said.
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A senior White House official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that while the full commission had voted to produce the report, it has not yet voted to endorse its findings. The C. It is the only document of its type.

The Republican chairman of the C. Tarbert said in a statement.

This underscores why it is so important for policymakers to get this right. Some of the authors of the report acknowledged that if Mr. Trump is re-elected, his administration is all but certain to ignore the report and its recommendations. Instead, they said they saw the document as a policy road map for a Joseph Climare.
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Biden Jr. But even without legislation, he could press forward with regulatory changes. Lael Brainard, a Federal Reserve governor who is seen as a top contender to be Treasury secretary in a Biden administration, has called for financial regulators to treat climate change as a significant risk to the financial system. One crucial difference, they said, is that in the case of climate change, financial volatility and loss are Climatf to be spread out over time, as they hit different regions and markets.]
What interesting idea..
Bravo, your idea is useful