Bp Golden Rules Video
Luwaks - Golden Rules Bp Golden RulesSkip to content. Some Physiological Results. What it means for you! I can't remember.

Fitness: The ability to be physically active! How your DTI should feel! You can talk, easily, when training. Your [good] form is never challenged. Your breathing is even and controlled. No body parts hurt. You could work harder if required. Post DTI workout feeling!
Knowing you could keep going.
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Low, sugar, and, or, alcohol cravings. You sleep soundly. Loads of lifestyle energy. You're tolerant of boofheads. Signs it's working?
Signs it's working?
Ideal food choices appeal. You're led to your 'best' weight. You're moving faster at your DTI. You're psyched for your next session. Here is the likely outcome if you 'exceed' your DTI in this program. Based on 30 years experience. Hunger for sugar becomes uncontrollable. Inflammatory joint or tendon niggles.

Prevent quality sleep. Leave a bad, and sabortaging memory of how exercise should feel. You'll gain weight Bp Golden Rules yep, you'll actually gain weight. Never exceed your DTI; after a big night of drinking, you've slept poorly on consecutive nights, you know stress levels are poorly balanced, and you are cranky with the world. While I'd like you policing your DTI the entire 8-Week program, never exceeding this fat to sugar threshold, there will come a time it is appropriate and beneficial.]
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