Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment - valuable
The Bowlby attachment theory It is a psychological model that originally focused on describing the development of relationships between children and their main caregivers during the early stages of their life. Later, however, his conclusions became generalized and today they are considered applicable to all human relationships, including couples. John Bowlby, the originator of the theory, was a psychoanalyst who believed that the mental health of people in adulthood had to do with their most important experiences during childhood. At the same time, his ideas were highly influenced by ethology, in such a way that this researcher believed that the need to form a close bond with a caregiver was innate. During his research, Bowlby discovered that all children developed a primary attachment bond with one of their caregivers, usually with their mother. However, the nature of it could vary greatly depending on how your relationship with this caregiver was; and depending on what type of attachment was created, the child would end up showing very different characteristics over time. Today, Bowlby's attachment theory is considered one of the most important discoveries within the entire field of psychology. The findings of this researcher are used to explain both the origin of many mental illnesses, and the way in which people react in different situations related to our intimate relationships. In Bowlby's theory, the concept of attachment refers to an instinct that leads people to seek closeness to their reference figure at the moment when they perceive some type of threat or danger in their environment. Bowlby s Theory Of AttachmentEither your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off.
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In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Among all relationships that a human life comprises, there is often the development of interspecific relationships, especially with dogs Julius et al. Dogs can cooperate in various scenarios, as they can guide blind people, herd sheep, rescue people, work in animal-assisted therapy, among other activities Serpell, ; and beyond all operational interactions, most tutors and dogs become attached to each other we are using the term tutor as a synonym of guardian, the one who takes here of the dog.
What do people search for in an Bow,by relationship with dogs? Are people searching for a new experience of caring for someone who depends on them for basic needs? For an emotional support in Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment times?

For a long-term and consistent relationship, a strong connection, a mutually enjoyable contact? In other words, are people searching for a child, for a best friend or both? And how does it work from the dog's perspective?
The Strange Situation By Bowlby
The Bowlby's theory Bowlby, focused on child-caregiver attachment is being used to explain dog-tutor attachment. However, we argue that this approach should be integrated with the human friendship attachment theory and the intraspecific dog attachment. Therefore, it is important to revisit the approach to the dog-tutor attachment. The attachment bond encompasses behavioral strategies used by individuals to maximize their survival, by balancing two motivational processes: the need for protection from more info and the drive Bowlby s Theory Of Attachment explore the environment. A dynamic equilibrium of these two motivational processes is important for the child development Cassidy, The attachment figure is the individual who offers comfort in stressful situations safe haven effect and the security to explore the surroundings secure base effect Bowlby, ; Ainsworth et al.
Aytachment the child-caregiver attachment, two behavioral systems, namely the attachment system and the caregiving system Julius et al.

The attachment system is activated in children by emotional stress, triggered by internal or external stimuli, and it includes a set of behaviors used to reestablish the proximity with the caregiver such as calling, crying, etc. The caregiving system is activated in the caregiver by the perception of danger or by the child showing attachment behaviors. Julius et al.]
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