Autism Spectrum Disorder And The Childhood Autism - that
According to the DSM-V, released in May , Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD , or autism refers to a broad continuum of associated cognitive and neurobehavioral disorders characterized by impairments in social interactions and communications and restricted, repetitive patterns of play. ASD affects normal brain development by altering the normal function of the gastrointestinal, immune, hepatic, endocrine and nervous systems. Children and adults with ASD typically have particular characteristics in common, however, the range and intensity of the disability vary causing some individuals to be mildly impaired by their symptoms, while others are severely disabled. With advances in the field of autism, children with autism are able to be diagnosed as early as 18 months by demonstrating difficulties orienting to social stimuli, diminished social gaze, language delays and impairments in shared attention and motor imitation. There is evidence that specialized interventions can provide people affected by ASD with the tools they need to lead full and productive lives. Researchers in the field continue to investigate the causes of autism through an examination of a number of theories, including the links among heredity, genetics and medical problems. The causes of ASD are not yet known, however, ASD is associated with abnormalities in brain structure or function, discoverable through the use of brain scans.Autism Spectrum Disorder And The Childhood Autism - apologise
The autism spectrum encompasses a range of neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism and Asperger syndrome , generally known as autism spectrum disorders ASD. Individuals on the autistic spectrum experience difficulties with social communication and interaction and also exhibit restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. Symptoms are typically recognized between one and two years of age. Final diagnosis could still be given as an adolescent or even as an adult. The cause of autism spectrum conditions is uncertain. Treatment efforts are generally individualized and can include behavioural therapy and the teaching of coping skills. Autism forms the core of the autism spectrum disorders. Asperger syndrome is closest to autism in signs and likely causes; [17] unlike autism, people with Asperger syndrome have no significant delay in language development or cognitive development , according to the older DSM-IV criteria. Autism Spectrum Disorder And The Childhood AutismThere is no link between vaccines and autism.
Javascript is currently disabled in your browser. Several features of this site will not function whilst javascript is disabled. Received 16 August Published 16 November Volume Pages — Review by Single anonymous peer review. Editor who approved publication: Dr Roger Pinder.
Causes of Autism
Several drugs, in particular risperidone and aripiprazole, are used to treat Autism Spectrum Disorder And The Childhood Autism challenging behaviors in children with ASD. Treatment with risperidone and aripiprazole is currently recommended by the Food and Drug Administration FDA in the USA for children aged 5 and 6 years and older, respectively. Here, we investigated the use of these medications in younger patients aged 4 years and older. Patients and Methods: This retrospective case series included 18 children mean age, 5. These patients began treatment with risperidone or aripiprazole at the age of 4 years and older, and all patients presented with comorbid challenging behaviors that warranted Schools Prayer in intervention with either risperidone or aripiprazole.
Results: All 18 children showed objective improvement in their ASD core signs and symptoms. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the chronic administration of antipsychotic medications with or without ADHD medications is well tolerated and efficacious in the treatment of ASD core and comorbid symptoms in younger children when combined with standard supportive therapies. This is the first report to suggest a treatment approach that may completely resolve the core signs and symptoms of ASD.
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While the reported outcomes indicate significant improvement to complete resolution of ASD, pharmacological intervention should continue to be considered as part of a multi-component intervention in combination with standard supportive therapies. Furthermore, the findings support the critical need for double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to validate the outcomes.

Keywords: risperidone, aripiprazole, antipsychotic, comorbid challenging behaviors. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited.

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Vaccine ingredients do not cause autism.
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