Argumentative Essay Police Brutality - join told
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Police brutality argumentative essay
Proficient training in hand to hand combat should be mandatory. A lot of your police department that is on the streets, face to face with criminals are your lower ranking ones. Lower ranking and also less experienced. We ask our police officers to go toe to toe with the bad people in our society Argumentative Essay Police Brutality do not provide them the proper means to do so.
Am I saying we should have a militarized police force, no.

I am saying that are police need to be trained like our military. You should be required to log so many hours of range time per quarter to hone your marksmanship. Along with that, police should go through simulation training annually to be more Argumentatige with the proper way to handle situations they may encounter.
Argumentative essay against police brutality
This does not require live ammunition. When I was in the military and gearing up for my deployment to Iraq, we did some simulation training. We had Humvees rigged up in separate single wide trailers and Argumejtative trailer walls were all screens. We would run live simulations of situations we would possibly encounter overseas.

It was very useful. Our police should be provided that same training. This would cut down on knee-jerk reactions to use lethal force first and officers would have muscle memory developed for situations. On another note, my momma would have given me a good whooping Argumentayive I ever treated a police officer the way some people do.]
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