Are Violent Video Games Are Harmful To -

Are Violent Video Games Are Harmful To. Are Violent Video Games Are Harmful To

Since their inception in the s, video games have often been criticized for violent content. Politicians, parents, and other activists have claimed that violence in video games can be tied to violent behavior, particularly in children, and have sought Too to regulate the sale of video games. Numerous studies have shown no connection between video games and violent behavior, with the American Psychological Association stating there is little to no evidence connecting these. They also report that the average age of gamers is Since the late s, some real-world acts of violence have been highly publicized in relation to beliefs that the suspect in the crime may have had a history of playing violent video games.

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The Columbine High School massacre created a moral panic around video games, spurring research to see if violent video games lead to aggressive behaviors in real life. Elements of the type of moral panic that came with source games after they gained popularity had previously been seen with comic books.

Through the s, comics were in their Golden Agehaving become a widely popular form of media. As the media expanded, some artists and publishers took more risks with violent and Gmes questionable content.

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Fredric Werthama psychiatrist, wrote Seduction of the Innocent inwhich outlined his studies asserting that violent comics were a negative form of literature and led to juvenile delinquency. Even though some of Wertham's Harmgul were later found to be based on bad studies, the book created a moral panic that put pressure on the comic book industry to regulate their works.

Later inthe comic industry issued the Comics Code Authority CCA which put strict regulations on content that could appear in comic books sold at most stores, eliminating Are Violent Video Games Are Harmful To violence and other mature content via self-censoring. The mainstream comic industries waned as comics had lost their edge, while an underground market for the more adult comics formed.

The comic industry did not recover from Comics Code Authority regulations until the s, when adherence to the Authority was weakened.

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By the s, Ate Authority was generally no longer considered. Pinball machines had also created a moral panic in post-World War II America, as the teenage rebels of the s and s would frequently hang around establishments with pinball machines, which created fear across the generation gap of older Americans unsure of the intents of this younger crowd.

Are Violent Video Games Are Harmful To

To some, it appeared to be a form of gambling which led to machines being labeled "For Amusement Only"while more religious people feared pinball was a "tool of the devil". Because of this, many cities and towns banned pinball machines or implemented strict licensing requirements which were slowly lifted in the late s and early s.

Notably, New York City 's ban on pinball machines lasted Are Violent Video Games Are Harmful To[17] while Chicago's was lifted in After Pong exploded onto the arcade game market, arcade game manufacturers were aware of the attention that video games were getting and tried to position games as entertainment aimed at adults, selling units preferably to bars and lounges. Two arcade games had already drawn attention for amoral content prior to Atari's Gotcha ina maze game, initially shipped with two joystick units that were covered in pink domes as to represent women's breasts, but which were removed in later makes.

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The Shark Jawsalso by Atari, was an unlicensed adaption Gamrs the film Jaws and attempted to play on the film's violent context, though here, the player was hunted by the shark. The arcade game Death Race is considered the first game to be targeted for its violent content.

The game, like Shark Jawswas an unlicensed adaption of the film Death Racea violent film centered on driving. Within the game, the player was challenged to drive a car and run over simulated gremlins scoring points for doing so. Besides the game's simulated content, the game cabinet was also adorned with imagery of death.]

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