Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing -

Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing

Our study guide covers I Stand Here Ironing summarythemes, characters, and literary analysis. The story begins when the narrator speaks to an unidentified person while ironing. That person claims Emily needs assistance. She asks the unidentified person regarding her nineteen-year-old daughter Emily who has asked her to discuss Emily. There, the narrator starts ruminating about the childhood of Emily and her part as a Analysie she performs. Emily is the oldest and beautiful among the children though she always had a fear of being ugly. Then, the narrator recalls the worsening situation of her household which forces her to do a job. She reflects on her memories of how she had to run back home to feed Emily, who always cried for her presence.

Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing

However, Emily was again handed over to her mother when she was two years old. At that time Emily was in poor health that becomes the cause of guilt and sadness if the narrator. The narrator placed Emily source daycare though she knows Emily does not like it. But she was supposed to work for hours due to which she had opted for this option. Likewise, the narrator describes how Emily avoids going to school though she never explicitly rebels.

In Dream I See Part Of My Trouser Burn Iron | Dream Interpretation

In the same manner, the narrator seems to recollect the anxious, serious, and ill childhood of Emily. The clocks in particular frightened Emily. During that time, Emily becomes qualmish.

Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing

In order to protect her, the narrator and Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing new husband decided to send her to a convalescent home for eight months. But instead of getting better, she becomes more doleful there. Similarly, when Emily returns, she gets distant from her family and starts worrying about the school and her appearance. In the meanwhile, the narrator gives birth to another daughter named Susan. Moreover, the narrator is fearful of the relationship between these two sisters. Emily resents her stepsister and is always in conflict with her. On this, the narrator feels guilty for not being able to maintain the sisterhood between them. Further, the narrator depicts how Emily looks after her three more step-siblings when the narrator is busy working and doing household chores. However, in the end, the narrator exhibits the transformation of Emily into a successful comedian.

She performs at her high school and some other events as well. At that time, Emily enters the room being cheerful and in a talkative mood where the narrator is ironing.

Background of the Story

On seeing this narrator wonders why anyone would worry for Emily if she is happy. While Emily cracks a joke about dying in an atom bomb and goes to her bed.

Analysis Of I Stand Here Ironing

This story was published along with other short stories in her collection Tell Me a Riddle in This story is written after the Second World War and in the time of great depression.]

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