Ageing Population And The Healthcare Industry -

Ageing Population And The Healthcare Industry Ageing Population And The Healthcare Industry.

Total 6, people 60 and over representing 10 provinces of Vietnam participated in the study.

According to Professor Yasuhiko Saito, Nihon University, Japan, evidence-based data is important factor to support policy makers be able to formulate effective policies for older adults in the country. In the workshop, Dr.

Ageing Population And The Healthcare Industry

Vu Cong Nguyen, a country PI of the study, shared key nAd of the study such as health status, diseases as well as healthcare needs of the elderly. The results showed that arthritis, chronic pain back and hypertension are most popular diseases of old people. In which, hypertension control should be paid attention to reduce the serious consequences the disease.

Ageing Population And The Healthcare Industry

This suggests that this is a major health care constraint for the elderly that the government needs to consider to improve the quality of home-based care. Vu Cong Nguyen presented in the workshop. Aging Health and Disability. Health systems and health care services.

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Mental Health and other Non-communicable diseases. E-Health and M-Health. Environmental health and Climate change. Saito presented in the workshop.]

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