Adapting to Survive -

Adapting to Survive Video

The hospitality business: Adapting to survive - Counting the Cost Adapting to Survive.

Stenton Parlor, photo by Laura Pearson. Like museums around the world, historic Adapting to Survive are dealing with the new challenges posed by Adapting to Survive On Thursday, Nov. In this spirit, today we are featuring a post by Laura Keim, an Attingham Summer School alumna and Curator at Stenton, an eighteenth-century house in Philadelphia, discussing how Stenton has worked to bring the house to new audiences over the past 9 months. The COVID pandemic of has forced institutions of all kinds to shut down, shift focus, and learn to operate in new ways and in new arenas — a true test of resilience in the face of uncertainty and the looming threat of illness, death, job losses, and economic hardship.

Adapting to Survive

Historic houses are place-based museums, grounded in their locale, physical remnants of a past time, with which people seek to connect. Whereas art museums feature great and important objects, historic house museums are interpreted repositories of domestic life.

The totality of the context is the curated collection and audience experience. Although virtual reality technology and 3-D scanning have begun to offer digital immersive environments, that technology is not yet an industry standard. Yellow Lodging Room, photo by Jere Paolini. At Stenton, a c.

Adapting to Survive A museum operated by The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sinceStenton moved, relatively seamlessly, into digital audience engagement, a testimony to the steady leadership from our Executive Director and the Dames. These posts then went out to our email list as a weekly blog. The programs team repackaged some of the History Hunters Youth Reporter materials and activities for online consumption for parents and teachers muddling through virtual school from home. History Hunters is a literacy-based, field-trip program that usually offers approximately 3, fourth and fifth grade Philadelphia public schoolchildren subsidized trips to five historic sites for a comprehensive, year-long Adapting to Survive studies curriculum.

a working group dedicated to the display of art in the private interior, c. 1715-1914

The Director Adapting to Survive Education repositioned the History Hunters website as a resource for teachers and parents, who suddenly were teaching their children at home. Over the summer, the History Hunters program underwent its biggest transformation in its seventeen year history to a fully virtual field trip Sudvive, as Philadelphia schools will remain online into the school year.

We began dabbling in Facebook Live tours in June, expanding to illustrated Zoom talks over the summer. All the recorded real-time tours and talks are available as YouTube videos, which are now available on our website. Learning as we went along, we took risks with unfamiliar technology and formats in real time, with a supportive audience of devoted online followers.

Adapting to Survive

Blue Lodging Room, photo by Jere Paolini. These efforts have also enabled us to continue the important work of connecting with the communities that immediately surround Stenton in A Zoom webinar presented new research on enslaved and indentured labor at Stenton. A true drawback of the pandemic is the loss of personal connection we feel Adapting to Survive our community.

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Online programs do not replace being present in person, learning together, sharing meals, exchanging ideas, and being able to embrace. When we can again, that will be a glorious day! Launching Stenton programs online involved risk-taking, trial-and-error, and learning the limits of wi-fi through the thick walls of an eighteenth-century house.]

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