A Human Resources Director For The Past - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Human Resources Director For The Past A Human Resources Director For The Past.

City of Marlborough. Marlborough, MA AA Director Of Human Resources. This is a benefited, hour position and c andidate will be responsible for a Human Resources Department consisting of two staff members.

job description

Position Purpose:. The purpose of this position is to provide administrative, management, and professional work in directing and supervising the personnel systems of the City of Marlborough including benefits, recruitment and retention, workplace safety, labor relations, training, and employee recognition; all other related work as required. Incumbent is required to work independently in formulating decisions regarding policies, procedures, operations and plans at the municipal-wide level. Employee receives occasional guidance, intent, and special oFr assumes responsibility for developing and achieving the department goals and objectives.

A Human Resources Director For The Past

Provides general guidance to all department heads regarding matters of human resources policies and procedures. Job Environment:. Makes regular contacts with all City departments and employees an estimated 65 0 employeesunion representatives, vendors, retirees an estimated 1, retireesand representatives of local, state, and federal government, contacts involve furnishing routine information as well as discussing complex legal issues; contacts require considerable discretion, resourcefulness and persuasiveness to achieve desired objectives.

Marlborough, MA

Has access to an extensive amount of highly confidential information on a City-wide basis such as personnel records, collective bargaining negotiations, bid proposals, and pending law suits and investigations. Essential Job Functions:.

A Human Resources Director For The Past

The essential functions or duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position.]

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