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The Argument

What Was The Argument About - remarkable, the

Washington — The Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee is requesting the Supreme Court delay oral arguments in a closely watched dispute over the disclosure of secret grand jury materials from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the election , citing President-elect Joe Biden's victory over President Trump and the start of a new Congress in January. Lawyers for House Democrats asked the court in a filing Tuesday to remove the case from its December argument calendar, as pushing back the oral argument currently set for December 2 "would be in the best interest of the parties and the court and may conserve judicial resources. But a new Congress will convene in the first week of January , and President-elect Biden will be inaugurated on January 20, ," House lawyers wrote. In addition to winning the White House, Democrats also maintained control of the House, though they will hold fewer seats in the new Congress, which will be sworn in January 3. Attorneys for the Judiciary Committee said it has consulted with the Justice Department, which said in a filing Thursday that it is not opposed to the panel's request. The Supreme Court announced in July it would take up the legal showdown between the Trump administration and the Judiciary Committee, but in doing so, the court ensured lawmakers would not have access to the secret grand jury documents until after Election Day. The dispute over the materials arose following the release of Mueller's report on Russian interference in April , which included redactions of grand jury information and testimony. The Justice Department declined to disclose the grand jury documents, as rules governing those proceedings dictate that matters occurring before a grand jury remain secret. The Judiciary Committee asked a federal district court in Washington to authorize the release of all redacted portions of the report, including underlying grand jury transcripts or exhibits, as part of its impeachment inquiry into Mr. Both the district court and the U. What Was The Argument About

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The U. Granting a request from lawyers for the House of Representatives, the court removed the argument, originally scheduled for Dec. The Justice Department said it was willing to carry on with the argument as scheduled before the court removed the case from the December calendar.

What Was The Argument About

When Mueller's work ended in Marchthe Justice Department sent a version of his final report to Congress, but it redacted, or blacked out, references to information that was gathered by the Mueller grand jury. The House Judiciary Committee asked a federal judge for an order directing the Justice Department to hand over an unredacted copy of the report along with some of the documents and interviews referred to in the blacked out items. The proceedings of a federal grand jury are secret, including its findings and any materials generated during its investigations.

What Happens if Trump Doesn’t Concede?

But there are some exceptions. For now, the Supreme Court case remains alive, but it will probably be dropped early next year. Follow NBC News.

What Was The Argument About

Pete Williams.]

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