Welfare Legislation On Welfare And Welfare Video
Welfare and the Politics of Poverty - Retro Report - The New York TimesWelfare Legislation On Welfare And Welfare - are not
Thank you for signing up. Sorry, it looks like an error occurred. A Senate committee has backed the federal government's push to make cashless welfare cards permanent. A parliamentary inquiry has backed an expansion of the controversial cashless debit card scheme, prompting renewed concern from Labor along with Indigenous, human rights and legal groups. A coalition-chaired Senate committee recommended on Tuesday a government bill, which would see almost 25, welfare recipients in the Northern Territory and Cape York permanently moved onto the cards, pass parliament.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Welfare Legislation On Welfare And Welfare](http://authorstream.s3.amazonaws.com/content/1520302_634818076355625000.jpg)

A bill to protect Native American children so they can remain within their tribal communities and extended families will be pre-filed in the state Legislature in January, supporters say. The U. Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act into law in but it is too often not enforced, according to experts working on the state law. Because of implicit bias against Native Americans, Native children are Lrgislation removed from the home when a white child in an identical situation is not, said Donalyn Sarracino, director of Tribal Affairs for the Office of the Secretary for Child, Youth and Families Department and of the Pueblo of Acoma.
She said this is a national problem and that, in some cases, the rate of removals of Native children from their families is sometimes four times higher than white children removals.
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Sarracino said the bill will bring compliance and uniformity in addressing issues and prevent unnecessary removals. Littlefoot said the fact that Native children are disproportionately represented in the child welfare system is a reflection of the way the criminal justice system in the U. For Indigenous people, the problem goes much deeper than a state agency problem, Littlefoot said. She put the issue into the context of Europeans colonizing the Americas and systemic racism. Two of Wlefare Indigenous women NM Political Report spoke with became emotional talking about how important it is for Indigenous children to remain with extended family and their tribal communities if the state removes the children from their parents.

CYFD asked the different groups to partner with the agency to draft the bill, Yalch said. He said that last year, CYFD placed 23 percent of children with an immediate family member or someone known to the family.
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Inthat rate increased to nearly 40 percent, he said. One of the issues, the experts agreed, was CYFD failing to contact the tribes efficiently.

Yalch said a child who has been removed could go through the removal process for a year before CYFD reaches out to the tribe. Removing Native children has a negative impact.
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Littlefoot said that tribes have a sovereign right to deal with all matters related to their members. Donate Now Go. Kendra Chamberlain. Follow Bold Futures Susan Dunlap.]
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