Walkers Message of Personal Heritage in Everyday - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Walkers Message of Personal Heritage in Everyday - that necessary

It was first published in as part of Walker's short story collection In Love and Trouble. The short story is told in first person by "Mama", an African-American woman living in the Deep South with one of her two daughters. The story follows the differences between Mrs. Johnson and her shy younger daughter Maggie, who both still adhere to traditional black culture in the rural South, and her educated, successful daughter Dee, or "Wangero" as she prefers to be called, who takes a different route to reclaiming her cultural identity. The story opens with Mama waiting in the yard for her oldest daughter, Dee, to visit. She reflects on the differences between Dee and Maggie, her youngest daughter, and knows that Maggie will be anxious and self-conscious around Dee. Walkers Message of Personal Heritage in Everyday

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