Varian Solution -

Varian Solution Video


Breneman M.

Varian Solution

The first clinical trial patient was treated this week. The FAST study is expected to enroll up to 10 patients with bone metastases to evaluate clinical workflow feasibility, treatment-related side effects, and efficacy of treatment as assessed by measuring pain relief of trial participants. Breneman and his team for this clinical trial, which was designed in collaboration with the Varian Solution Consortium and with significant contributions from the New York Proton Center.

These efforts help Varian safely advance potential therapy options towards our vision Solhtion a world without fear of cancer.

Breneman noted that, because this is the first in human trial of Varian Solution radiotherapy, it will build a foundation for extending this therapy to other types of cancer treatments. The launch of the first FLASH clinical trial, a project that has come to fruition after years of intensive study, is an important milestone in the progress of radiation therapy," said FlashForward Consortium member Dr. Charles B.

Varian Solution

The New York Proton Center is proud to be a partner in this future-focused study. OSlution Varian At Varian, we Varian Solution a world without fear of cancer. For more than 70 years, we have developed, built Varian Solution delivered innovative cancer care technologies and solutions for our clinical partners around the globe to help them treat millions of patients each year. With an Intelligent Cancer Care approach, we are harnessing advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics to enhance cancer treatment and expand access to care.

Press Releases

Our 10, employees across 70 Varian Solution keep the patient and our clinical read article at the center of our thinking as we power new victories in cancer care. Because, for cancer patients everywhere, their fight is our fight. The unique capabilities of the research center were instrumental in Cincinnati developing the world's first clinical trial of FLASH proton therapy. In addition, children and adults from around the world seek treatment for more than 30 types of cancer in two clinical therapy rooms at the center.

About ProBeam R Varian's ProBeam proton therapy system Varian Solution a cancer treatment system that uses protons rather than X-rays to treat cancerous tumors with great precision. It is effective for certain types of cancers and can treat with a high dose of radiation to the tumor, while delivering lower radiation to the surrounding healthy tissue.

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Varian Solution

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