![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Two Major Themes In Poetic Realism](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rR7NVym7hS4/VQUx1fiNwTI/AAAAAAAABS4/fCixX-aA_U8/s1600/film%2Bnoir.jpg)
The Romanticism It was an artistic and intellectual movement that developed from the end of the 18th century to the 19th century. The style was characterized by expressing strong emotions through artistic representations. It was a movement that enhanced human emotions such as concern, horror, fear and love in the face Reaoism a sublime nature. In addition, it elevated the popular Realixm, language and customs of the time. Romanticism arose mainly in Continue reading as Two Major Themes In Poetic Realism reaction against the concepts proposed in the Enlightenment Age. Also, he was influenced by the sensitivity of Poetid Middle Ages and its themes, trends and techniques. While the Enlightenment believed in reason and intellect, the new romantic era began to Two Major Themes In Poetic Realism freedom and originality. The movement was strong in the field of visual arts, music, literature and science.
As the Enlightenment movement and Neoclassicism gradually weakened, a new attitude One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by in Majro that reached its peak at the end of the 18th century. Ideas that exalted reason and intellect, present in the Enlightenment, lost influence. The Romantic movement emerged as a reaction against the radical rationalism of the Enlightenment era; it was based on the rejection of order, calm, harmony, balance and the social and political norms of the aristocracy that represented Neoclassicism. Romanticism was an inevitable reaction to enlightened rationalism. The main idea that Romanticism opposed was reason-guided thinking, mainly expounded by Immanuel Kant. Society began to create a new tendency towards the sensitive. Romantic artistic and literary works became more enduringly attractive by appealing to emotion, love, and sentimentality.
Emotion became a much stronger and deeper concept than the intellect, reason or will of the enlightened. Romanticism was influenced by the theory of evolution and uniformity that held that "the past is the key to the present. In fact, the word "romantic" comes from the term "romance", which consists of heroic prose or narrative that originated in the Middle Ages.
The initial period of the Romantic era developed into a time of war, with the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. These wars, together with the political and social upheaval of the time, served as the background for the rise of Romanticism.
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With the French Revolution, the first romantics defended the revaluation of the individual and the elimination of enlightened despotism. In addition, the conflicts Thsmes the revolution served as a source of inspiration to here issues that society began to consider more relevant. With the development of the Industrial Revolution, a bourgeois class was born that managed to lay the foundations of liberalism. Likewise, large industries and the growth of the proletariat emerged.
Exaltation of feeling
The consolidation of new economic systems caused tensions within the different social classes that emerged at the time. The rise of liberalism, new economic and individual freedoms and the vindication of the working Mwjor created ideals that inspired the passionate romantics of the time. The nature of Romanticism was based on the importance of the free expression of the artist's feelings. Unlike the previous artistic movement -based on precise rules and canons- for the romantics "emotion and feeling were their law.
Romantic artistic expressions had to have an overflow of spontaneous feelings to be classified as art. For this, it was considered that the content of the discipline should come from the artist's imagination with the least possible interference from pre-established rules. The romantic artist was carried away by inspiration and imagination and not by rules or technique.
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The romantic exalted the beautiful, the ideal and the individual feelings of each artist. Romantic artists took refuge in themselves, having to isolate themselves and go to solitude to create their works. Furthermore, the organizing principle is the individual or the Self, which made it a deeply introspective movement. Among Rfalism common themes of Romanticism were: pain, melancholy and disappointment.]

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