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Twin tunnels Twin tunnels

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Fixing the track work on the Twin Peaks Twin tunnels — a high-profile project marked by a series of difficulties, Twin tunnels the death of a worker struck by a falling beam — could cost tens of millions of click here. SFMTA officials first disclosed the issue last month to the agency's board. The tunnel project included seismic retrofitting of the 2-mile-long structure, which first opened inand replacement of its year-old track structure, including rails, ties and the ballast rock that provides a stable rail bed and allows water to drain from the trackway. And as a result, we now have ballast that is really more mud than rock and needs to be addressed.

Twin tunnels

In an answer to a question from Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, Kirschbaum said the cost of having a contractor go in and replace the ballast would be in the millions of dollars. In her initial presentation on the issue, during an Oct.

Twin tunnels

That made the ballast "more costly to handle and more costly to dispose of," she Twin tunnels. Maguire told the SFMTA board in October that the agency was discussing the issue with the City Attorney's Office "and figuring out how to hold the contractor accountable. In her own October presentation to the SFMTA board, Kirschbaum said that while the ballast problem didn't pose an immediate safety problem, inspections have determined that track stability issues are likely to develop in one particular location in the tunnel's eastern half. Tuesday's details about the tunnel issue emerged just days after the SFMTA acknowledged that its Twin tunnels Central Subway project will blow through another completion target date and likely not open until The Tunnelx Peaks Tunnel problem, tunnela top of delays in other major projects and an embarrassing August mishap in which spliced electrical wires derailed the SFMTA's attempt to Muni Metro light-rail service, prompted an exasperated response from Supervisor Aaron Peskin, who chairs Twin tunnels transportation board.

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I'd be frustrated," Peskin said. Except for its brief, troubled reopening in August, all Muni Metro light-rail service has been shut down since Twin tunnels after COVID shelter-at-home orders were imposed in March. The Twin Peaks Tunnel work took place during the summer of and was marked by a series of missteps and one construction tragedy.

Twin tunnels

Muni's use of bus shuttles to replace light-rail service through the tunnel during the two months of construction exposed a major shortage of coach operators and threw citywide bus service into disarray.]

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