The Silenced Dialogue Power And Pedagogy - joke?
This is the text of a proposal for educational reform published in the Seikyo Shimbun on January 9, The twenty-first century is upon us at last. I believe it is vital that education be reoriented to its prime objective, namely, the lifelong happiness of learners. In this paper, I wish to delve further into the problems of education against which schools and society must be vigilant if we are to find a solution to the bullying and other acts of violence that most immediately and directly affect children. Incidents of bullying and other forms of physical and psychological violence have been on the rise for some time in Japan, despite the ideal of schools being havens of the joys of learning and living. And although the numbers appear to be on a slightly downward trend, well over 30, cases of physical and psychological bullying were reported. This is a deplorable situation. Some observers claim this represents merely the tip of the iceberg, since the numbers do not hint at how many incidents go unreported, let alone how many occur in private schools. The Silenced Dialogue Power And PedagogyEnd political and communal violence in the country1. Resolve how to properly transform the military1.
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Redefine and re-establish stronger national unity1. Renew social contract between the citizens and their government1.

Develop a framework for managing diversity1. Develop a mechanism for allocating and sharing resources1. Settle social disputes and sources of conflict cattle raiding, child abduction, communal violence, cattle and human migration 1.
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Set a stage for an integrated and inclusive national development strategy1. Agree on steps and guarantees to ensure safe, free, fair and peaceful elections and post transition1.

Agree on a strategy to return internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes1. Develop a long-term framework for national peace, healing and reconciliation. Article I.
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Limitations on the Mandate of the National Dialogue 1. The National Dialogue process should not be seen as a new process, rather, it should be seen as an expansion of the R-ARCSS to accommodate all the people of South Sudan and their grievances.

The Structure of State 1.]
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