The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment -

The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment

If you walk down a street in Lagos, almost three in every ten people you see are likely to be unemployed. Unemployment rates have been a growing problem in Nigeria The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment years. The outbreak has resulted in many businesses shutting down and many more downsizing. One thing is certain — the rubber-stamp approach to solving the problem of unemployment in Nigeria has failed many times. We cannot expect a different result by doing Risig the same thing. We must adopt a new approach that is not only comprehensive, but also feasible, effective, solution-oriented and practicable. This starts with training and trusting young people.

With the right financial and educational supports young people can turn these alarming figures around themselves.

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Every aspect of the Nigerian school curriculum is outdated. Most of our subjects do not address contemporary issues, nor do they contribute to the mental growth of students. The system is designed to glorify grades instead of knowledge and skills. It is little wonder t hat few Nigerian graduates lack the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century. Many of those struggling to find work in Nigeria are amazingly graduates. We must re-design our curriculum Riising meet modern needs.

Youth unemployment raises pension saving concerns

The new curriculum should replace irrelevant subjects with ones that teach contemporary skills such as critical thinking, communication, creativity, information literacy, independent Confern, leadership, and digital literacy. It should focus on the practical aspect of learning; motivate students to learn; change final year projects from an avenue to display theoretical knowledge to a chance to practice problem-solving.

The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment

This alone should be the first step for anyone trying to address the Unemlpoyment crisis in Nigeria. Nigeria boasts numerous world-class capacity builders who are committed to helping young people fulfil their potentials, but at a very high cost.

For these vital services to impact the majority of people the Nigerian government must organise free or heavily subsidised training. Removing the financial barrier that scares a lot of young Nigerians away, will help bring The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment best training to those who need it. The kind of capacity building trainings that Nigerian youth need are practically focused — not one or two-hour online trainings that have no value.

The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment

They must equip job seekers with the right skills needed to land their dream job s or to start their own businesses. I have seen enough of my fellow young Nigerians to know that many will succeed as entrepreneurs if supported financially by the government. Many young Youuth have viable business ideas but face the challenge of capital.

What needs to be done

Thanks to the Tony Elumelu Foundation and a host of other NGOs that have funded business proposals young people have been able to create more job opportunities for their peers. The government should follow suit by making more capital available to prospective business owners, whether as grants or The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment loans. Feature Photo by Temitayo Aina on Unsplash. Abideen Olasupo is the founder and executive director of Brain Builders International. He also championed the translation of the SDGs into local languages and continue reading currently mobilising community campaigners to meet stakeholders across all the LGAs in a bid to help in the localisation, and most importantly, the achievement of the SDGs.

To solve Nigeria’s unemployment crisis young people need 3 things.

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The Rising Concern Of Youth Unemployment

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