The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing -

The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Video

Why Animals Are Needed in Research The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

The information connects to the beginning thesis, by how it shows that animal testing is just an excuse to hurt animals, because humans test on animals that will likely need a different cure than humans. While some animals may also benefit from the results of animal Testinf, there are some drugs, like aspirin, that will kill the animals tested on, yet aspirin still helps humans.

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The point of animals testing most of the time is to help humans, and helping the animals tested on is a possible side effect. Why do humans hurt animals and say it may help an animal, but hurting the animals is really for helping humans. As well as only finding cures for animals and wasting resources, humans also still have an immense risk when using the drug tested on. They are critically used for research to learn more about the human body without harming the human being itself.

Although many people might argue testing on animals puts them at risk, how many human and animal lives have actually been protected as a result of animal testing?

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Animals should continue to be used in scientific experiments to not only lower human suffering but also animal suffering [1]. Lowering human suffering is one reason of using animals in research.

The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

To replace the use of such brutal testing methods, labs are switching to more humane forms of testing. For example, CeeTox is a lab that employs human based testing methods to test cosmetics and other potentially dangerous chemicals. The use of human cell cultures replaces the need for testing on animals using harmful methods such as inserting dangerous chemicals into their body parts. source

The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

Furthermore this lab collaborates with the Food and Drug. Unfortunately, some cosmetic companies treat animals unethically during testing; this brings into question whether or the practice of animal testing can be considered ethical, or even necessary, in regards to cosmetic purposes. Those with pro-animal testing views may argue that the practice of testing cosmetics on animals is necessary for human safety, however, with modern advances in technology, there are now more options for alternatives than ever before. Prs support from major companies and governments, alternatives to animal testing could potentially become the standard in the near future.]

The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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