The Privilege Of White Privilege -

The Privilege Of White Privilege

The Privilege Of White Privilege Video

White Privilege The Privilege Of White Privilege

Always. Ever. Dragon.

Like many professionals who supported themselves through higher education, I faced a number of challenges in reaching my goals. I assumed that hard work and personal sacrifice was the universal recipe for success. My conclusion was Whitw. The truth is that black and minority students face additional challenges to achieve the same goals.

The Privilege Of White Privilege

Discovering white privilege rests in the basic understanding that the social experience and opportunities are different for caucasians. How many times do you think I was stopped and frisked? How many times do you think I felt nervous around police? Zero and never. This was not the same experience of The Privilege Of White Privilege New Yorkers. This is an example of white privilege. After I left New York City, a friend told me of an incident where she entered a subway car with a broken air conditioner and decided to move to an alternate cabin with a group of passengers. Upon entering the adjoining cabin, two police officers singled her out and frisked her. What was the difference between my friend and the rest of the group? She was of Indian descent and the rest were caucasian. Some may argue that my friend broke the rules.

The Privilege Of White Privilege

Very well. But what about the larger group of caucasian passengers who did the same thing and were ignored? Why do they get a pass? Minorities are not asking for special favors or privileges—they are asking for equal treatment under the law.

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Our society grants implied virtue to caucasians. When my car breaks down on the side of the road or I need to ask someone for directions, I can assume that the person I approach for help will not feel afraid or believe I wish to harm them.

The Privilege Of White Privilege

This is not true for minorities. A friend and colleague recently shared how Pribilege daily activities are for him as a black man. Can I help you? For all my caucasian readers out there, could you ever imagine this happening to you?

This is an example of systemic racism.

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Systemic racism is everywhere. Discovering white privilege is the first step to undoing this sin. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Menu Skip to content Home About Contact. Search for:. Photo by Matheus Viana on Pexels. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading]

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