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The Lifeblood On Any Online Business Is

Find relevant information that will make your business thrive. Sign up to find business Ob information, connect with other business owners and experts. Most of the times, a lot of startups are forced to go under not because the particular sector of the economy where they are launched is bad.

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The market may be booming, government policies may be right, timing may be just perfect, yet some businesses will still pack up. A business can even be profitable but be struggling to meet obligations to creditors or pay bills as they fall due. How can these things be? Well, when the above scenarios play out, the issue is largely a result of poor cash flow management.

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Businesa must have heard of the saying, "cash is king". If your business does not have sufficient cash to settle its obligations as quickly as possible, be rest assured that the business is heading for doom. What then is cash flow and how can it be properly managed to ensure the success of any business? Simply put, cash flow is the of cash and cash equivalent in and out of a business within a given period.

As simple as it seems, knowing the amount and timing of the movement and adequately planning for it is critical to the survival of the business. To stay afloat therefore, a business owner or manager must understand the company's cash flow and then put measures in place to ensure the availability of cash for its operations at all times. This entails monitoring, analyzing and forecasting the business' Liffblood, investing and financing activities for a given period.

The Lifeblood On Any Online Business Is

Any of the activities- operating normal course of businessinvesting assets acquisition, expansion, etc and financing funding - can lead to either a net positive cash flow excess cash inflow or a net negative cash flow excess cash outflow. The cash flow projection, if properly done with a deep understanding of the company's operations and strategic focus, will act as a compass that would point out when the business needs fresh cash injection in the short or long term and when there will be excess cash.

See example of a simple cash flow projections for a trading company, Emochris Nig Ltd, below.

The Lifeblood On Any Online Business Is

The projected cash flow from table 1 revealed that Emochris Nig Ltd will have difficulty meeting some of its obligations for two consecutive months. Except urgent steps are taken, the business may cease to exist within the next few months. This is because suppliers will stop credit sales if they can't get payment after two successive due dates.

Employees will start searching for new opportunities, may be in a competition's company, if they don't get paid after two months Busineds no hope in sight. Customers will eventually notice and move their purchases elsewhere.

The Lifeblood On Any Online Business Is

However, having identified the potential problem, the company can put measures in place to address them before they show up. As shown in table 2 above, our hypothetical company, Emochris Nig Ltd took three decisions that changed the direction the company was heading. These decision immediately transformed the company from a cash strapped organization heading for collapse to a viable company with a healthy cash flow. Businesses, especially startups and MSMEs, can take the under listed steps to address cash flow problems.

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This list is by no means exhaustive. I would like to hear how you were able to address your cash flow issue s. Share your experience s using the comment box.]

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