The Heroes Of The Trojan War - you were
Free shipping. Skip to main content. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab. Add to Watchlist. People who viewed this item also viewed. Picture Information. The Heroes Of The Trojan WarBelieved to have been written in the 8th century BC in Asia Minor, the poem is set during the final year of the Trojan War and consists of 24 books.
Often depicted as semi-mythological, extraordinary warriors, their stories often intertwine with various gods and goddesses. Depicted as the most virtuous of all the heroes. He battled Ajax the Greater on several occasions, but his most famous duel was with Achilles.
He accepted the challenge to duel an enraged Achilles, despite the best efforts of Andromache to convince him otherwise. Defeated and killed in the duel. When Helen absconded with Paris, Menelaus sought aid from his brother, who accepted and triggered the famous Trojan War.
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During the War Menelaus challenged Paris to a dual, which he duly won. Before he could land the killing blow, however, Paris was saved by Aphrodite. Killed Deiphobus, the brother of Paris, at the end of the Siege; reunited with Helen. Together they returned to Sparta, after a long voyage by way of Egypt. Infamously sacrificed his daughter Iphigineia to the goddess Artemis so that his ships could set sail for Troy. This ultimately came back to haunt him.
The Heroes Of The Trojan War
When Agamemnon returned victorious from the Trojan War, he was murdered in his bath by Clytemnestra, his vengeful wife. Ultimately, Agamemnon was forced to return Briseis. Commanded a fleet of 40 ships to Troy. Famous for his agility. Consequently killed by either Athena or Poseidon on his return home.
Along with Diomedes he first Tue the famous horses of Rhesus and then the Palladium statue.
Most famous for his innovative plan to capture Troy with the wooden horse. At the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus angered the god Poseidon with his hubristic attitude, signalling the start of his most famous venture: The Odyssey. Son of Priam and Hecuba; brother of Hector.
Depicted as an archer rather than a melee fighter in the Iliad to epitomise his contrasting persona to the noble Hector archers were considered cowardly. Killed in the later stages of the Trojan War by Philoctetes, though not before he had killed Achilles.
King of Argos; a famous warrior who was honour bound to join the expedition of Menelaus to Troy. Brought the second-largest contingent of all the Greek commanders to Troy 80 ships.]
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